December 1, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Pie Day – This may or may not be Pie day today. I have found substantial conflicting information that it is supposed to be celebrated on January 23rd but I say why quibble. Pie is wonderful, celebrate it twice.

Advent – This is more of a season than a day and can begin anywhere between November 27th and December 3rd. It is celebrated by Christian Churches as a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. Many different churches have many different traditions during this time which begins on the fourth Sunday before December 25th.

Civil Air Patrol Day – The Civil Air Patrol is the civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force. It was created on this day in 1941 under Major General John F. Curry. It was created to provide air support to the war effort in WWII by patrolling American borders and coasts and assisting the military in any way necessary. It is comprised of volunteers who these days have three objectives set by Congress: perform emergency services such as search and rescue missions and assisting local law enforcement and the American Red Cross, aerospace education programs for the public and cadet programs for teens.

Day With(out) Art Day – Created on this day in 1989 as a day of mourning for those suffering because of the AIDS crisis, it is also a call to positive action that will spread awareness of the fact that AIDS can affect everyone. On the first celebration day in 1989, Museums were shut down and museum staff spent the day volunteering at AIDS services or worked on several sponsored exhibits of work about AIDS. In 1997 the day changed to a Day With Art in order to increase the programming of cultural events to increase the attention to the rapid spread of the disease all over the world. The name was kept (with parentheses added) in order to keep our attention on the horrible possibility of a future world without art or artists so we now highlight the art projects by artists living with the disease.

Eat a Red Apple Day – This is a day to eat a red apple. I generally prefer the yellow or green varieties but the occasional red apple is also very good. Since you should be eating an apple every day in order to keep the doctor away, I'm sure you won't have any trouble indulging in your favorite red variety today.

Rosa Parks Day – Who doesn't know of Rosa Parks? She was that very brave woman who on this day in 1955, refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man, something that was against the segregation laws of the time. She is known now as “the mother of the civil rights movement.” I know it sounds crazy to kids today but back then in Montgomery, Alabama, and in many other southern states, African-Americans were required to sit in the back of the bus and were obligated to give up their seats to the white riders if the front of the bus filled up. Well, the front of the bus filled up and a white man wanted Rosa Parks' seat. Ms. Parks refused and the rest is history.

World Aids Day – This is a day to get the facts about about HIV/AIDS. How you can get it, how you can avoid it, and what to do if you or a loved one have it. With proper treatment, people with HIV/AIDS can live a long time and don't have to infect other people. Spread the news around the world because there are some countries where AIDS is rampant because people just don't know anything about how to protect themselves and their families.

To celebrate today, go to Church to celebrate the first day of Advent. When you get home, make an red apple pie and decorate the top crust with artsy designs that resemble a close up of the AIDS virus. Don't worry, eating pie that looks like AIDS will not give you AIDS. Read books about Rosa Parks and the Civil Air Patrol to your kids before they go to bed.

November 30, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Mousse Day – Combine egg whites and cream, along with some other delicious additions, to create this creamy, deliciousness.

Computer Security Day – This day was begun in 1988 to raise awareness of security issues related to computers. Prior to this, such a thing wasn't necessary since few people had computers in their homes.

National Meth Awareness Day –
Created by the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), (and no, I didn't make that up) for the purpose of spreading awareness of the dangers of methamphetamine abuse on families, communities and the people who fall victim to the addiction.

Small Business Saturday – Celebrated on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, this is a day to support the small businesses in your community by spending money in their establishments. Money spent in small local businesses stays in your local community and benefits everyone.

To celebrate today, teach your kids about the dangers of methamphetamines, find a small business near you that will help you update your computer security and finish up the day with some delicious mousse.

November 29, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Chocolates Day – Chocolate lovers rejoice! Then run out and get your favorite chocolates to enjoy today.

Black Friday – This is the day that retailers look forward to all year long. This is the day when most retailers make more money than any other day or even week, maybe even month, all year. I bet if you venture out and brave the crowds, you can find some good deals today.

Buy Nothing Day
– I am not a Black Friday shopper, the crowds of people scare me away so I choose to celebrate this day instead. I don't generally go anywhere on this day or spend any money unless I absolutely have to.

Electronic Greetings Day –
This is a day to greet your friends and family with a nice electronic greeting card or email. Like it or not, we are a part of the electronic age and we need to embrace it and participate. 

Flossing Day –
This day is always celebrated the day after Thanksgiving. It is a day to focus on the health of your teeth and gums and right after Thanksgiving when you loaded up on all that good food is a great day to make sure none of it stayed behind in your teeth.

International Day of Solidarity With The Palestinian People –
This day was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1977 for the purpose of encouraging a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in the Middle East.

National Day of Listening –
Celebrated on the day after Thanksgiving, this is a day to really listen to your loved ones. It is the most precious gift that you can give to anyone.

National Native American Heritage Day –
This is a day to acknowledge and honor the rich history and culture of all of the Native American tribes that shaped our nation in so many ways. Some of that history is full of broken promises, violence and injustice and we need to acknowledge that as well as the centuries of strong and enduring history that came before the arrival of our European ancestors.

Sinkie Day – This day is always on the day after Thanksgiving and is celebrated by eating Thanksgiving leftovers over the sink. My daughter asked me why anyone would want to do that and truthfully I'm not sure unless it's that we have had enough of sitting at tables after yesterday's festivities and we don't want to bother cleaning up after ourselves.

Square Dance Day – Square Dancing is a purely American style of dancing that mixes elements from many different countries. It isn't very popular any more but there was a time when everyone knew how to do it. These days you have to find a Square Dancing club to join.

To celebrate today, send electronic greeting cards to all of your friends and family. Then either go shopping or stay home and buy nothing while you pray for a peaceful end to the conflicts in the Middle East. Spend some time listening to your loved ones and celebrate the Native American heritage by inviting the neighborhood over for a Native American party. Before everyone goes home, have everyone perform a Square Dance. Eat dinner over the sink with chocolate for dessert and make sure you floss before you go to bed tonight.

November 28, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National French Toast Day – If you were wondering what on earth you were going to have for breakfast today, fear not for I have your solution right here. Who doesn't love French Toast?

National Day of Mourning – This is a day of protest for the Native American people. They remember how their ancestors were murdered, lied to, poisoned, demonized and displaced by the people who came to this country after them beginning with the Pilgrims.

Thanksgiving Day – This is a day for Americans to give thanks. We stuff ourselves to the bursting point with a feast and we thank God for a bountiful harvest and our ability to spend time with the ones we love.

Turkey-free Thanksgiving
– This is a day for the vegans, vegetarians, and the turkey dislikers among us. You absolutely do NOT have to have Turkey today. Have a pork roast or steak or delicious vegetarian meal instead.

Make Your Own Head Day – This is a day to get creative and artistic. Use whatever materials you have on hand and make your own head today. Make it however you would like it to be, it doesn't have to look anything like you.

Red Planet Day – On this day in 1964, Mariner 4 was launched. Mariner 4 was an unmanned spacecraft that passed within 9,844 kilometers of Mars and took many up close pictures of the red planet that it sent back to scientists here on Earth.

To celebrate today, have some french toast for breakfast and make sure your kids know the truth about what happened with the Native Americans in this country. Then get your kids busy making their own heads while you are preparing a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Make sure you have options for the non-turkey lovers. This evening, see if you can see Mars through your telescope.

November 27, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Bavarian Cream Pie Day – This is a pie that has a cooked egg custard filling in a pie shell with a whipped cream topping. Oh, boy! I want some!

Tie One On Day – I know what this sounds like, but you are incorrect. Today we are tying on an apron and celebrating all the generations of women who came before us. Women over the last several thousands years are best represented by the image of the apron. And in the spirit of all those women who were well known for sharing what they had with those who had less, do something to help someone in need today.

Chanukah or Hanukkah - This Jewish celebration comes early this year. It begins at sundown this evening and will continue until sundown on Thursday, December 5th. The first candle on the Menorah is lit at nightfall this evening. The purpose of this celebration is to remember the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem around 200 BCE.

Pins and Needles Day – On this day in 1937, a famous play called Pins And Needles opened on Broadway. It is famous because it was the first, and possibly the only Pro-Labor play at a time when Unions were struggling to get a foothold among the people.

To celebrate today, tie on an apron, make a Bavarian Cream Pie, give it to someone in need and spend the rest of the day watching Pins and Needles. There's a revival starring Barbra Streisand if you can't find any recordings of the original. This evening light your first Menorah candle.

November 26, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Cake Day – We don't often think of cakes at this time of year. Our focus seems to be more along the lines of pies. But cakes are one of the world's favorite desserts and should not be ignored. You can make any kind of cake you want today so pick your favorite and enjoy.

Shopping Reminder Day – This is a day celebrated worldwide that reminds us that we need to start our holiday shopping. I frankly don't care to be reminded of this kind of holiday stress right before Thanksgiving. But I recognize that some people need to be reminded because they need to plan their strategy for Black Friday.

To celebrate today is going to be soooo easy. Simply shop for your favorite cake.  

November 25, 2013

Today we celebrate:

International Vegetarian Day – Mostly celebrated in Asian Pacific Rim countries and India, this day celebrates the birth of Sadhu Vaswani. Sadhu Vaswani “is a name synonymous with reverence for all life. Indeed, he was the living embodiment of an unsullied love that knew no bounds, an all-embracing love that included all mankind, animals and all creation.” He was born on this day in 1879. Read about his life here:

International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women – Created in 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly, this day commemorates the three Mirabal sisters who were assassinated in the Dominican Republic on the orders of Rafael Trujillo, the Dominican ruler at the time. The women were political activists fighting against violence. In their honor, the United Nations wants us to spend the day fighting against the discrimination that causes people to perpetuate the murders, assaults, rapes and mutilations of women all over the world.

National Parfait Day – We have had some parfait days in the past, but they were specific to a certain flavor. Today you can have any flavor parfait that you want. Enjoy.

To celebrate today, teach your kids about respect for women and how to change the world through non-violence over a vegetarian dinner and parfait dessert.

November 24, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day – Do you have a unique, odd and/or gross talent? I think if you think about it hard enough you'll come up with something. Well, this is the day to figure it out and share it with others.

D.B. Cooper Day –
This is the name given to an unidentified criminal who hijacked a Boeing 727 flying between Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington on this day in 1971. He received $200,000 in ransom money before parachuting out of the plane. He had boarded the plane with the alias Dan Cooper, which the media messed up causing him to be called D. B. Cooper. Neither he nor all the money has ever been found, and the FBI believes that he didn't survive the jump. A small amount of money was found and some believe it is part of the ransome. All passengers and crew members of the airplane survived the incident.

To celebrate today, read a book about D.B. Cooper and then entertain your family with your unique talent.

November 23, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Cashew Day – One of my favorite kinds of nuts, get ready for a nutty day today.

International Survivors of Suicide Day – Celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, this is a day for the friends and family members of those who have died by suicide to join together and share a healing spirit. There will be events happening all over the world for the purpose of uniting these survivors. This day was begun by Senator Harry Reid in 1999 and started out as a National Day but when other countries began celebrating it as well it was changed to an International Day.

Dr. Who Day – Today is the 50th Anniversary of the first time Doctor Who was aired on television on this day in 1963. And, if I am not mistaken, I believe a new Doctor Who airs this afternoon sometime. Check your televisions.

Family Volunteer Day
– Celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, this is a day to get your whole family involved in volunteering. Pick your favorite activity whether it's helping your local food pantry, helping at a local homeless shelter, picking up the garbage at your local park or any other worthy cause and get the family working on it today. My daughter and I are volunteering at a pancake breakfast this morning.

Fibonacci Day –
This day celebrates Leonardo of Pisa, AKA Fibonacci, who created the Fibonacci Sequence which is a pattern where every number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. Fibonacci was a very important contributor to the field of mathematics.

International Aura Awareness Day – Celebrated on the fourth Saturday in November, this is a day to become more aware of our human energy, also known as our auras. See if you can figure out what your aura says about you.

National Adoption Day – This is a day to raise awareness of the thousands upon thousands of children who are waiting for forever families to come and claim them. If you are thinking about having another child, please consider adoption.

Eat a Cranberry Day – I believe that cranberries are considered to be a Super Food because they are loaded with antioxidants and fiber. Thanksgiving is coming up so test out a recipe using cranberries today so you can decide if it is Thanksgiving worthy.

To celebrate today, have some cashews while you watch Doctor Who. Then head out with the family for a day of volunteering. While you are working tell your kids about how the Fibonacci Sequence works and see if you can see anyone's aura. Then send a message of support to a survivor of someone who committed suicide and think about whether adoption would be a good option for your family. For dessert tonight make some cranberry muffins.

November 22, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Humane Society Anniversary Day – Founded on this day in 1954, the Humane Society was created by Fred Myers, Helen Jones, Larry Andrews and Marcia Glaser. In the years since, they have made great strides in rescuing animals that are being abused.

Go For A Ride Day – This is a day to de-stress by going out for a ride. It doesn't even matter what you choose to ride. Take your pick of any mode of transportation: car, bus, train, scooter, bicycle, horse, donkey, airplane, elephant...whatever you have handy that will get you from one place to another in a relaxing way.

To celebrate today, ride something to the nearest Humane Society and find out how you can help them.

November 21, 2013

Today we celebrate:

World Hello Day – This is a day that was begun in 1973 because of the problems between Israel and Egypt. Yes, I know, I don't remember what was up with that either. I guess we are not old enough. One hundred and eighty countries have celebrated this day ever since. The goal is to greet ten people today to spread a message to world leaders and encourage them to talk about their problems instead of fighting.

Beaujolais Nouveau Day – Celebrated on the third Thursday in November by the French, this is a day that celebrates the release of a specific type of wine called....want to guess? That's right! Beaujolais Nouveau! They celebrate this every year with fireworks, big festivals and music.

World Television Day – Declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996, this is a day that commemorates the anniversary of the World Television Forum that year.

False Confession Day – This is a day to make a false confession to some transgression that you didn't commit. Why, you ask? I haven't the slightest idea.

Great American Smokeout Also celebrated on the third Thursday in November, this is a day to quit smoking. This is an easy day for me because it is very easy to quit something that you don't do to begin with. So I pledge to quit smoking today! Who is going to join me and be healthier for it!

Use Less Stuff Day –
This is a day to use less stuff so that you end up throwing away less stuff. Apparently we throw away 25% more garbage between Thanksgiving and New Years than we do at any other point in the year. That is good incentive to create less waste and thereby put less garbage into our landfills. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

International Philosophy Day – This day was created eleven years ago by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is celebrated on the third Thursday in November and we will be sharing our experiences and world views with each other with complete respect to each others' cultural diversity.

To celebrate today, stop smoking, watch the French celebrations on your televisions while you plan your holiday season with the idea of creating less garbage. When you go out, say hello to everyone you meet and share your personal philosophy on the idea of making false confessions.

Today I would like to thank my readers in Azerbaijan.  There are not many of you, but quality is more important than quantity.  Plus, I've always wanted to talk to someone in an interesting country like Azerbaijan.

November 20, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Peanut Butter Fudge Day – This is a day for fudge, but not just any fudge. Today you must make and eat, or buy and eat, peanut butter fudge. Creamy and delicious, but filled with nuts so I will excuse you from this celebration if you have allergy issues.

Name Your PC Day – This is another unexplained, odd day. This is a day to pick a name for your computer. I'm not one to go around naming things. I don't name my car or my stuffed animals (when I was young enough to have them) and I found naming my children to be a difficult proposition so I'm not sure why we need to name our computers but I don't create the days, I just celebrate them.

Transgender Day of Remembrance – This is a day to remember all those who have lost their lives in anti-transgender violence. It's hard for me to understand why someone who is opposed to a transgender lifestyle would resort to violence. I have never heard of anyone forcing anyone else to be a part of that lifestyle. If it's not for you, just go about your business and let them go about their business. If you are opposed because of your religious beliefs, please remember that killing is a sin in every religion I have ever heard of.

African Industrialization Day – Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, this is a day to encourage the countries of the world to support the industrialization of Africa.

GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems)
– Celebrated on the third Wednesday in November, this is a day to demonstrate the real and practical uses of GIS. This day was first celebrated in 1999 and was created by Ralph Nader.

Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day aka G.O.H.A.R.D. - Begun in 2011, this is a day to support people who are motivated to run. I am not a runner, but I have a lot of respect for those who are. So wrap your arms around a runner today no matter where you are in the world. You don't even need to know them personally.

National Educational Support Professionals Day – Celebrated on the Wednesday of the week before Thanksgiving, this is a day to honor everyone who provides services to schools. There are lots of people besides teachers and principles who are involved in making sure your children have a good education. These are the secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, monitors, teacher aides and probably many others depending on the school you are part of.

Universal Children's Day – There are many Children's Days celebrated around the world on different days, but this is the day that was recommended by the United Nations. So let's all celebrate our children today.

To celebrate today, name your PC and then use it to find the name of a transgender person who lost his/her life and offer up a prayer for them and their family. Then you can use your GIS on the computer to find Africa on a World Map and show your children. Then send your children to school with a whole bunch of peanut butter fudge for them to share with the support staff at their school. Lastly, go out and find a runner so you can give him/her a hug. It shouldn't be hard, you could probably just stand on the side of the road for a few minutes. A runner is bound to come past very soon.

There are an amazing number of people from different countries who read my blog now and then.  Today I'd like to thank all the people in Turkey for checking in to see what craziness we are celebrating today.

November 19, 2013

Today we celebrate:

American Made Matters Day – This is a day that is a “Call-to-Action” for American consumers. We can change our economy for the better if more of us buy American made products than imported products. The goal is to encourage everyone to buy at least one American made product today so check those tags and look for American made products when you are shopping.

Equal Opportunity Day (aka Gettysburg Address Day) – On this day in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. Now considered one of the greatest speeches of all time, at THAT time it was just another speech that was thankfully short.

International Men's Day – Begun in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago, this is a day to focus on Men's health (when I say 'men', I mean all males whatever their age), gender equality and promoting positive male role models. We need to celebrate their achievements in life and particularly their importance to their communities and families.

Rocky and Bullwinkle Day –
An animated television series that began on this day in 1959 and was originally called Rocky & His Friends. For those too young to remember or have seen the reruns, this is a show that featured a flying squirrel named Rocky and a moose named Bullwinkle who was his best friend. It was big on puns and satire and was enjoyed by adults as well as children.

World Toilet Day – This is a day to focus on the lack of clean toilets in the world. More than a billion people do not have a toilet at all and more than 2 billion do not have a clean toilet. That's a lot of people living in unsanitary conditions that spread disease.

To celebrate today, read the Gettysburg Address to your children. Try to do it with President Lincoln's vocal intonations to make it more real for them. Then encourage the males in your house to go get a checkup at the doctor's office. When you use your toilet today, think about how many people cannot do that and be thankful for what you have. If you are so moved, do some research to find a reputable group that works to fix this issue and consider donating some money to them. Then go buy an American made television on which you can watch Rocky and Bullwinkle.

I am grateful for the interested you have all shown in reading my blog.  Today, I'd like to give a special shout out to all my readers in Hong Kong.  

November 18, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Married To A Scorpio Support Day – I guess that it must be very interesting to be married to a Scorpio because this is the only birth sign that I have found that has a support day for spouses. Kind of bizarre and if anyone who is married to a Scorpio could enlighten me as to why a support group is needed, I would be grateful. 

Mickey Mouse Day –
On this day in 1928, Steamboat Willie was released for the first time. This is, of course, the beginning for Mickey Mouse....the most famous mouse in the world.

Push-button Phone Day
– On this day in 1963, the push button phone (as opposed to the rotary phones of old – one of which still resides in my parent's house) was officially introduced. And most of us, except for my parents, have never looked back.

Occult Day – This is a day to celebrate the occult. You may do so by visiting your favorite psychic, reading your horoscope, charting your stars or simply reading a book about it.

To celebrate today, watch an old Steamboat Willie cartoon, use your push-button phone to call up someone who is married to a Scorpio and give them some support. While you are doing that, you could tell them their horoscopes for the day.

November 17, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Homemade Bread Day – This is a day to make some homemade bread. If you are baking challenged, don't worry. It doesn't say anything about making homemade bread from scratch so feel free to make something from a mix. You also don't need to use yeast if you don't want to, quick breads count, don't use yeast and are very easy to make.

National Unfriend Day –
Declared by Jimmy Kimmel in 2012, this is a day to clean out your Facebook friends list by weeding out or “unfriending” anyone you would really rather get rid of or maybe those that you just don't have anything in common with.

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
– Observed on the third Sunday in November every year, this is a day to remember all those who have died or been injured as a result of a traffic accident. This day was created by the United Nations in 2005 to support the victims and their families and communities all around the world.

World Prematurity Awareness Day – This a day to spread awareness of prematurity and the challenges that preemies and their families can face as they grow. Sometimes premature babies have significant health difficulties so more work is needed to spread the use of intervention strategies that decrease the risk of premature births.

World Peace Day – Created by Don Morris in the 1990's, this is a day that reminds us to be kind to everyone around us and to pray for peace. One thing you can do is drive with your headlights on so everyone will know that you are demonstrating for peace. Yes, I know that many cars have their headlights on all the time, let's not burst Mr. Morris' bubble, after all, he created this day back when that wasn't an automotive reality.

To celebrate today, while your bread is baking, get onto Facebook and start unfriending people. Then while your bread is cooling, say a prayer for those who have been killed or injured in a traffic accident. Next, call up all of your friends who are pregnant and make sure they are getting the proper prenatal care. Finally, go out and give slices of your bread to everyone you meet, wishing them a peaceful day.

November 16, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Guinness World Record Day – Celebrated on the third Saturday in November, this day is all about world records. On Nov. 10, 1951, after being involved in an argument about which was the fastest game bird in Europe, an issue that couldn't be resolved because of a lack of available information, Sir Hugh Beaver, the managing director of Guinness Breweries, decided that a book that could answer questions like that might be a good idea. The first edition came out in 1954 and one thousand copies were printed and given away. The next year they had a 197 page edition that sold enough to go to the top of the British bestseller lists. In 1956, it came to America and sold 70,000 copies. It has been produced yearly every since. It has the distinction of being the most frequently stolen item from public libraries in the United States.

International Day for Tolerance –
In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly invited its' Member States to observe this day every year with activities geared toward educating their populations about how important tolerance of others is to world peace.

International Games Day @ Your Library – This is a day to celebrate games and libraries so today libraries all over the world are playing all different kinds of games. Check with your local library to see if they are participating.

To celebrate today, exercise your tolerance skills by getting together as many different kinds and cultures of people as possible to your local library to play games together see if you can get enough that you can set or break a record.

November 15, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day – I love hermit cookies, the rest of my family tolerate them and will eat them if there is nothing better around. I have to find a gluten free recipe that is good because I cannot give up these soft, delicious, almost cake-like cookies.

America Recycles Day – This is a day to promote recycling. If everyone recycles everything they can possibly recycle, not only will our landfills be less crowded because we will be throwing far fewer bags of garbage into them, but the world will be cleaner because there would be far fewer bottles and cans and other garbage littering the environment. 

I Love to Write Day –
This day was founded in 2002 by Delaware Author and Ghostwriter, John Riddle. It is an chance for everyone to write something no matter how old or young you are, you can write a story, poem, paragraph, letter, diary, begin a long work such as a book or finish something you have been working on for a long time. Last year over 30,000 schools all over the country participated in this day.

National Bundt (Pan) Day – A bundt cake is a cake that is baked in a bundt pan which shapes it into a ring with a hole in the center. It is of European origin and came to the United States in 1950 when H. David Dalquist, of the cookware company, Nordic Ware, began producing them. They almost stopped making them because it just wasn't catching on in this country but then it was mentioned in the New Good Housekeeping Cookbook in 1963 and sales began to pick up. In 1966, Ella Helfrich won $5,000 at the Pillsbury Bake-Off with her Bundt cake called the “Tunnel of Fudge” and then sales of bundt pans skyrocketed.

National Philanthropy Day
– Proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, this is a day to recognize and honor individuals, businesses, and organizations that are active philanthropists. A philanthropist is someone who gives of their time, or money to benefit others. While this is the official day, you may find many organizations celebrating this day in different ways on different days according to what is convenient for them.

To celebrate today, make a bundt cake and write a letter of appreciation to give to a philanthropist that you know. Then make some hermit cookies, making sure you recycle any packaging of ingredients that you use.

November 14, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day – This is a day to loosen up by letting go of the stresses of your life and instead spend time doing what makes you happy. 

National American Teddy Bear Day –
Named after former President Theodore Roosevelt, this cuddly and cute stuffed animal was created in the early 1900's after the President refused to shoot a bear that had been tied up and clubbed. Although he didn't exactly save the animal since he ordered one of his men to shoot it to put it out of its' misery, the story resulted in a political cartoon being created featuring a cute bear. Two toymakers, one in the U.S. and one in Germany, unbeknownst to each other, each created a stuffed bear around the same time, both of which very quickly became known as Teddy's Bears. 

National Pickle Day –
I love pickles and my late uncle, Richard Emmons, made some pretty delicious ones. If you are brave and have a good recipe, try your hand at making homemade pickles today. If that is not for you, buy some from the store, they have all different kinds that are delicious.

World Diabetes Day
– This is a day to encourage the world to “Take a Step for Diabetes”. A step is any activity that helps promote diabetes awareness, improve the lives of people who have diabetes, and reduce your own risk of developing the disease according to this web site: . This is a site that you can use to join the program and record your steps toward their final goal. They also have a list of things that you could do for your steps.

Operating Room Nurse Day – This is a day to celebrate operating room nurses. Doctors cannot possibly do everything themselves in the operating room and rely heavily on nurses to assist them. Without nurses, operations would not be possible.

To celebrate today, loosen up by finding your favorite teddy bear and keeping it around you today while you eat pickles and do an activity of your choice to help fight diabetes. Make sure you send a few teddy bears to the hospital to give to the operating room nurses.

November 13, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Indian Pudding Day – This is a day to have some Indian Pudding. I was not able to determine if it means Indian from India pudding or Indian as in Native American pudding. Some sites say one thing, others say another. I did find a recipe that looks pretty good so feel free to try it and tell me what you think.

Ashura – Sundown today marks the beginning of this Muslim holiday. It is a day of mourning for Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad at the Battle of Karbala.

World Kindness Day
– This is a day to make your community and even your world better with at least one act of kindness. Kindness toward others can change the course of someone's life whether you are giving or receiving the kindness. Change someones life today.

To celebrate today, go forth and be kind to everyone you meet by sharing your Indian pudding. After sundown, read about Husayn ibn Ali's life.

November 12, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day – While there are some unusual people in this world with messed up taste buds who actually enjoy anchovies on their pizza, I am convinced that they are in the minority. So make sure when you order your pizza with everything on it today, add in the “except anchovies” or you will for sure find some on your pizza and that will just ruin the whole thing.

Baha'u'llah Day – This day celebrates the birth of Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i religion, in 1817.

National Young Reader's Day – Celebrated on the second Tuesday in November, this is a day to help your children learn to read or, if they already know how to read, teach them how to LOVE to read. It's something that not all children will learn to love, my daughters love to read, but my son.....not so much. They were raised in the same house in the same way, but somehow they turned out different. If that's the case with your children too, there is probably not too much you can do, but many times the more you expose your kids to reading a wide variety of subjects and genre's the better chance you can encourage a love of reading within them.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day - Twenty years ago, the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” was released. If you haven't read it, it is a book (and there have been many others to follow it) filled with inspirational and amazing stories that Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield collected from the public. Read it today to celebrate your own life adventures and experiences.

To celebrate today, read a book about Baha'u'llah while you eat your pizza with everything but anchovies. Then read “Chicken Soup for the Soul” to your children.

November 11, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Death/Duty Day – On this day in 1918, the armistice was signed that ended World War I and the good news went out to them men who were still fighting.....along with an order to stop fighting at 11am. The order went out early in the morning but Marshall Foch, who sent the order, was heard to say to his staff that it was his intention “to pursue the Feldgrauen (or German soldiers) with a sword at their backs” to the last minute until the armistice went into effect. So that is what he ordered his men to do and therefore, thousands of men on both sides died after the armistice agreement was reached which is, in my opinion, very sad. Clearly the Marshall didn't care about the German soldiers, which I guess is understandable since he was fighting a war against them and if you look at a history of his life you can see where the hatred for Germans began for him. But for him to sacrifice his own men needlessly, just to try to kill a few more of the enemy soldiers of a government that had already surrendered was reprehensible, and even criminal, in my opinion. This day was created to honor the soldiers on both sides that died on that day before the fighting ended at 11am.

Armistice Day – If you just read about Death/Duty Day, you understand why it is also Armistice Day, celebrating the end of World War I.

Origami Day – Origami, as you probably know, is the art of folding paper in such a way that it resembles birds or animals or anything else. It is an art form that was begun in Japan hundreds of years ago. A paper crane is a symbol of hope, peace and longevity in Japan, but you can make anything you want. Most people start their origami with a square of brightly colored or patterned paper, but feel free to branch out from that, maybe you can make something wonderful from a triangle or rectangle or circle of paper.

Veterans Day – This is a day to celebrate the service of all U.S. Military veterans, living or dead. The sacrifices that these dedicated people have made to keep our country as safe as possible are sometimes indescribable. 

World Orphans Day – Celebrated on the second Monday in November, this is a day to raise awareness of the issues that orphans and displaced children around the world face. Having no one to love and take care of you is a terrible situation for a kid to be in.

To celebrate today, make some origami animals and deliver them to the Veteran's hospital near you to thank the Veterans there for their service. If you know any other veterans, give them a hug today. Next, read your kids a book about World War I. Finish up the day by seeing what you can do to help the orphans of the world in some way.

November 10, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Vanilla Cupcake Day – Not just any old cupcakes, no....only vanilla cupcakes are allowed.

International Tongue Twister Day
– Celebrated on the second Sunday in November, this is a day to twist your tongue in a knot. Teach your children your favorite tongue twisters and see if you can trip them up.

Marine Corps Birthday –
On this day in 1775, the Marine Corps was created by the Second Continental Congress. They served on land and at sea and were involved in many important military operations in the Revolutionary War. After the war (1783), they were disbanded until they were reformed in 1798. As far as I know, they have been in continuous service to the United States since then.

Sesame Street Day – First broadcast on this day in 1969, Sesame Street is a show that I loved as a child and was thrilled to allow my children to watch when they were young. It almost felt like coming home when I tuned back in to see what was new and what I remembered from when I was a kid. This day was established in 2009 by the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg. I don't know if the rest of the country celebrates it, but if they don't, they should.

Windows Day –
On this day in 1983, Microsoft announced their new product called Windows version 1.0. This was their graphic operating system that was intended to compete with other systems like Apple. It was not released to the public until 1985 and didn't become widely accepted until version 3.0 was released.

National Forget-Me-Not Day – This is a day to keep your loved ones in your heart. We don't want to forget those we love, whether they are living or deceased. You can celebrate by sending Forget-Me-Not flower seeds to your family and friends or a card that says you're thinking of them. If the cemeteries will allow it, you could plant Forget-Me-Not flowers at the graves of your loved ones as well.

To celebrate today, salute any Marines you encounter today and wish them a Happy Birthday. Then watch Sesame Street whether you have any children or not while you eat some vanilla cupcakes, look up some good tongue twisters on your Windows computer to try out and send your loved ones some Forget-Me-Not seeds.