I'm posting this one a little bit early, it's only Thursday afternoon, but with the nor'easter we are currently sitting out, I'm afraid the power will go out before this evening. So page down a bit to find Thursday's celebrations.
Today we celebrate:
Valentines Day –
I don't think this day needs any explanation. I hope all of you who
have a significant other have not forgotten about it. Even doing
this blog about all these days, this one still manages to sneak up on
me because I always think I've got plenty of time and then, WHAM!
What am I going to get him this year?
National Organ Donor Day – Save a life today and sign up to be an organ donor. Well, actually, I'm hoping you don't save a life TODAY. I guess I really meant to say, save a life SOMEDAY by signing up to be an organ donor. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted bad things to happen to YOU today, I just want good things to happen to others SOMEDAY. This is a conundrum that people who desperately need organs face every day. I sympathize with the situation but the sad fact is that we are all going to die someday and if our deaths can ultimately result in helping someone to be able to live their lives to the fullest, then I consider that to be a positive legacy worth leaving.
National Ferris Wheel
Day – This ride was originally designed and constructed by
George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. for the 1893 World's Columbian
Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. He was born on this day in 1859 in
Illinois. Interestingly enough, his parents were named George and
Martha. You can find one of these at almost any carnival or fair
anywhere in the country.
Frederick Douglass Day
– The chosen birthday of Frederick Douglass. He was born a
slave in Maryland around the year 1818 and never knew his exact
birthday. He was taken from his mother at an early age and raised by
his maternal grandmother until he was seven and was taken from her as
well. He was an amazing man who taught himself how to read, finally
succeeded in escaping slavery and became a gifted orator who inspired
thousands of people.
Pet Theft Awareness Day
– Pet theft is a bigger problem than I thought it was. Especially
since most pet lovers don't steal other peoples pets so that they can
have a pet of their own. The big problem is the despicable
organizations that steal pets for medical research.
Library Lovers Day
– This is a day to spend at your local Library! It doesn't even
matter where you live because this day is celebrated all over the
world, wherever there are libraries. Libraries are treasure troves
of information. Librarians can help you find almost anything. Just
don't ask them what your washing machines and dryers do with all the
socks they eat. That's a question that has no answer.
National Have A Heart
Day – This is a day to focus on keeping (or getting) our hearts
healthy by being conscious of what we put in our mouths. I am not a
vegetarian, but according to the information I found, I probably
should be because apparently vegetarians live an average of 15 years
longer than non-vegetarians and have a far smaller likelihood of
having heart disease as well.
Congenital Heart Defect
Awareness Day – Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) is the most
common birth defect which affects more than 1.8 million families. It
is a defect in the structure of the heart and major blood vessels.
Many children with CHD don't have any alarming symptoms so their
condition may go unnoticed and untreated for years, sometimes even
for their whole lives. Others have more complex issues with severe
symptoms like under-developing arms, legs and muscles, poor growth,
respiratory infections, shortness of breath, heart murmurs and more.
These children have to take medication and undergo surgeries in order
to survive. Make yourself aware of the symptoms so that if your
children start to exhibit them, you can get them checked out quickly.
League Of Women Voters
Day – Founded on this day in 1920 by Carrie Chapman Catt, this
political organization is bipartisan that neither supports or opposes
political candidates. Instead they focus on studying issues,
reaching a consensus and taking a stand. Initially it was created to
be a support system to help 20 million women use their new voting
power to make a difference.
National Call In Single
Day – Apparently whoever invented this day believes that being
single is sufficient reason to call in sick to work on Valentine's
Day. For those who are single and not happy about it, you are
encouraged to take some time off of work and do something for
yourself today. I will add that I hope that with the economy the way
it is right now, please don't do anything that might get you fired.
Quirkyalone Day – You don't need to have a significant other in
order to feel like a worthwhile person. This day is all about
celebrating independence. After all, if you can't be happy by
yourself, you will never be happy with someone else either. But it
isn't just for singles, sometimes couples don't like the consumerism
of Valentine's Day so this is a day for all to create a plan for the
day that fits your unique likes and dislikes (and those of your
partner, if you have one). Do whatever you love to do and have fun
doing it.
National Cream Filled
Chocolates Day – It's not too surprising that this should fall
on Valentine's Day. I love chocolate and if there's cream in it, all
the better.
National Condom Day
– This day is about making people aware of the importance of
keeping ourselves safe from STD's (some of which are very serious and
even life threatening) and unwanted increases in the population.
Yes, this is a family blog so I am attempting to be ambiguous. Those
of you who should be reading this will understand what I'm saying.
Take some time to discuss the birds and the bees with your children
today in an age appropriate way to make sure they grow up with the
right information.
Race Relations Day –
This is a day celebrated by some churches in order to impress upon us
the importance of interracial relations. In the past, this was
celebrated around Abraham Lincoln's birthday but was changed to today
back in 1970.
Singles Awareness Day –
This is a day for single people and single people only. Gather today
with other single people to celebrate or bemoan your singleness. If
you wish to celebrate this, you should wear green, because it is
supposedly the opposite of red, or wear black because it is the
absence of color and so if you wear it you are endorsing the absence
of celebration. Some prefer to celebrate this day on the day before
or the day after Valentine's Day.
To celebrate today, call
in sick if you were scheduled to work today and take your loved one
(which could very well be YOU if you are single) and find a
Ferris Wheel to ride while you eat cream filled chocolates. Then
head to the Library to find a book about Frederick Douglass to read
to your children after you talk to them about the importance of
voting. Make sure you keep your pets safe and eat healthy today to
protect your heart and watch your children for symptoms of a
Congenital Heart Defect. Finally, sign up to be an organ donor and
make sure you have the appropriate items needed in order to avoid
spreading STD's and increasing the population unnecessarily. Most
important of all....be happy today.