June 15, 2015

Today we celebrate:

Magna Carta Day – This is a document that the King of England was forced to sign on June 15, 1215. No, that is not a typo. It was an attempt to limit the King's power so certain high level political people could protect themselves. The document basically said that the King was not all powerful and that the law took precedence over the King's wishes.  There will be big celebrations this year because it is the 800th anniversary.  In fact, it kind of looks like they will be celebrating all year long.

National Lobster Day - Lobster lovers rejoice!  This is a day when eating lobster is mandatory!  There are lots of ways to cook them so pick your favorite and have at it.  The history of lobsters is very interesting.  Did you know that they were once considered “food for the poor”.  They were so easy to find that you could just walk to the coast and pick them up.  So people too poor to buy food had to make do with these creatures that no one really wanted to eat.  Now they are a very expensive delicacy.  More fascinating information can be found at the website above.

Smile Power Day – This is a day to share the power of your smile with the world. Your smile has the power to brighten the lives of everyone who sees it. Your smile will encourage others to smile which will have a cascade effect causing even more people to smile. Smiles have been known to save lives as some who might have caused harm to themselves have received an unexpected smile that encouraged them and showed that someone really does care. Share yours with everyone you meet today.

Native American Citizenship Day – On this day in 1924, the US Congress recognized the citizenship of Native Americans. Kind of ironic since they were here before the US Congress, but Congress needs to pass legislation before it actually does anything so there you have it. That is why it took so long.

Nature Photography Day – This day has been celebrated for 10 years now. It is sponsored by the North American Nature Photography Association. The NANPA encourages people all over the continent to take pictures of nature today and share them with the world. Get out there into the nature that is available to you no matter where you live. Explore, and take plenty of pictures.

National Day Of Prayer For Law Enforcement Officers – This day was begun by the Wives Behind The Badge organization. They are asking that everyone, regardless of your religion or personal beliefs, take some time today to pray for the families of fallen law enforcement officers and for those law enforcement officers who are still risking their lives to protect all of us. We need to show our officers appreciation and support instead of giving them grief for doing their jobs.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – This is a day to make people aware of how vulnerable the older generation can be. Many times they are as helpless as children and at the mercy of sometimes not so merciful caregivers. Elderly people can be abused physically, emotionally and financially by the people they depend upon for everything. Check on your elderly relatives and neighbors often so you will be more likely to recognize the signs if they are being abused.

Worldwide Day of Giving – Begun four years ago by Reed Sandridge who began a year of giving on December 15, 2009. This was started as an exploration into the act of giving and what that would mean to him. To participate today, choose one of these three activities: volunteer with any organization, give a stranger ten dollars, or donate ten dollars. If you chose to donate ten dollars, there are many worthwhile organizations you can donate to, but be careful you donate to a legitimate organization that you know well and can be sure it will use your money wisely. Do not donate to a brand new, untested organization because there are a lot of scam artists out there.

Global Wind Day – This is a day that is celebrated worldwide for the purpose of promoting the use of wind as a power source. Work to encourage the leaders of the world to utilize more wind power, especially in areas where the wind always blows, and have less emphasis on non-renewable power sources.

To celebrate today, pledge to smile at everyone you meet today and put ten dollars in your pocket and be watchful for a needy stranger to give it to while you are out taking nature pictures.  See if you can find a Native American to include in the pictures.  While you are eating a lobster lunch, call your older relatives to see if they are safe.  Then, tell your kids about the Magna Carta.  Tonight, before you go to bed, say a prayer for the protection of the law enforcement officers and look into the pros and cons of wind power.

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