November 21, 2015

Today we celebrate:

Alascattalo Day - An alascattalo is a cross between a moose and a walrus.  This is an Alaskan holiday. Bear with them people, it’s very dark for a long time up there.  They need something to hang onto to keep from going a little batty.  So what if they want to invent new creatures and pass them off as real.  Buy a shirt with a walrus or a moose on it and make them feel good.

National Stuffing Day - Today, just a few days before Thanksgiving, is a good day to try a new stuffing recipe so you know before the big day whether or not it’s going to taste good. It’s up to you whether or not you actually stuff it into a turkey since you’re going to be eating a whole bunch of turkey very shortly so we will understand if you don’t want to overdo it now.

Pumpkin Pie Day - This is a day to make and eat pumpkin pie.  It’s better if you make it from scratch with a real pumpkin, because that gives you bragging rights.  But we’ll accept it if you used canned pumpkin because that tastes good too.

National Gingerbread Day - This is the time of year for gingerbread. Gingerbread cookies, gingerbread houses, gingerbread bicycles, gingerbread meatloaf, whatever you think of that can be made with gingerbread, go to it today.

International Games Day @ Your Library – On the third Saturday in November we have a day to celebrate games and libraries, so today libraries all over the world are playing all different kinds of games. Check with your local library to see if they are participating.

National Adoption Day - Celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, today we celebrate a day that was begun in 2000 by several organizations including: The Alliance for Children’s Rights, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, the Freddie Mac Foundation and the Children’s Action Network.  Thousands and thousands of adoptions from foster care have been finalized on this day over the years and we celebrate both the families who adopt and the children who are adopted.

World Hello DayThis is a day that was begun in 1973 because of the problems between Israel and Egypt. Yes, I know, I don't remember what was up with that either. I had to look it up.  I found out that it was called the Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War or the October War. Several Arab countries led by Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur.  It also happened to be during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, hence one of the names. The war lasted 20 days before a ceasefire was arranged. One hundred and eighty countries have celebrated this day ever since. The goal is to greet ten people today to spread a message to world leaders and encourage them to talk about their problems instead of fighting.

World Television Day – Declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996, this is a day that commemorates the anniversary of the World Television Forum that year.

False Confession Day – This is a day to make a false confession to some transgression that you didn't commit. Why, you ask? I haven't the slightest idea.  But I do have some advice:  If you’re going to do it, do it up big, just don’t do it in front of a judge!

Family Volunteer Day – Celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, this is a day to get your whole family involved in volunteering. Pick your favorite activity whether it's helping your local food pantry, helping at a local homeless shelter, picking up the garbage at your local park or any other worthy cause and get the family working on it today.

International Survivors of Suicide Day – Also celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, this is a day for the friends and family members of those who have died by suicide to join together and share a healing spirit. There will be events happening all over the world for the purpose of uniting these survivors. This day was begun by Senator Harry Reid in 1999 and started out as a National Day but when other countries began celebrating it as well it was changed to an International Day.

To celebrate today, say hello to the first ten people you meet today and invent some dastardly deed that you can make a false confession to before you go home to watch a television program about suicide. Then head to the library to play some games before you volunteer your family to help at the local animal shelter. Investigate adopting a child in need tonight before you make a dinner of stuffing, gingerbread and pumpkin pie. Finally, invent a story about alascattalo for your children.

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