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February 21, 2013

Today we celebrate:

International Mother Language Day – On this day in 1952, students demonstrating for recognition of their mother language, Bangla (one of two Pakistani languages) were shot and killed by police in Dhaka. So the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization chose this day to promote the preservation of all languages used by people all over the world. So feel free to speak your mother language today. I am.

Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day – Engineering is not an exclusively male field. Women can be just as successful and innovative as men. Here's some ideas on how to start.

Ta'Anit Esther – (The Fast of Esther) a Jewish fast that occurs from dawn to dusk on the eve of Purim.

National Sticky Bun Day – It seems kind of wrong to have this day on the same day as a fast, but since the fast is only from dawn to dusk, my Jewish fasting friends can wait until after dark to have their sticky buns.

Card Reading Day – Today is a day to dig out all those cards you kept for whatever reason and stuffed in a drawer or a box somewhere. Read them again today and reminisce over good times. I have all of the Mother's Day cards my children and my husband have given me so I'm going to be looking at those today.

Celebrate today by spending the whole day talking in your mother language, then hopefully, other people will still understand you when you call around to local companies to find an engineering opportunity that your daughter can partake in. Meanwhile, you're fasting so you don't have to waste time eating, but keep that box of sticky buns on the counter so you have a treat to look forward to later on. While you are eating that sticky bun this evening, lick off your fingers and look through all those wonderful cards you have kept for years and years.

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