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April 10, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Cinnamon Crescent Day – Who wants to have plain old crescent rolls when you can have cinnamon crescent rolls. I know which I would prefer.

Golfer's Day – Golfers will golf any time they can, even if they have to sneak away from work or out of the house to do it. But today you can golf, guilt free. Maybe take the kids and teach them how to play......or....not....goodness, I didn't know you all could move that fast. You must be in a hurry to golf, I'm sure it has nothing to do with wanting to get away from the kids.

National Siblings Day – As I often tell my children; friends of all kinds may come and go but siblings are a part of your life forever. Make sure your siblings know how much you love them.

ASPCA Day – Founded on this day in 1866, the ASPCA was the first humane organization ever created in the Western Hemisphere. Their mission was to “provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.”

National Farm Animals Day – Founded by Colleen Paige, this is a day to recognize the problems of slaughter animals, and to find homes for abandoned and abused farm animals.

Salvation Army Founder's Day – On this day in 1829, William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army was born. His mission continues to help people around the world to this day.

Safety Pin Day – On this day in 1849, Walter Hunt was granted a patent for his invention of the safety pin which he later sold for $400. He invented the safety pin to settle a $15 debt to a friend so he got $385 out of the deal. The company that bought it was W.R. Grace and Company which has made millions of dollars in profit from Hunt's invention over the years.

To celebrate today, make some cinnamon rolls and take them with you to share when you go golfing with your siblings. While you're at it, bring some of the animals from a local farm with you so they can take advantage of the prime grazing potential with all that space and green grass. I'm sure the golf course owner won't mind. Make sure you have plenty of safety pins with you in the event of a wardrobe malfunction and see if you can talk your siblings into adopting an animal from the local SPCA. Before you go home, stop by a Salvation Army and drop off a donation or offer to volunteer your time to help out such a worthwhile charity organization.

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