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July 27, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Walk On Stilts Day – This is a day to practice walking on stilts. Stilt walking is an old and very entertaining method of transportation. Once you get good at it, you can cover distance faster than your regular old feet because you can take longer strides. And, until you get good at it, it is a great source of entertainment for those who are watching you learn how to walk on them.

National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day – Declared by the White House, this is a day to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice. There will be a special ceremony by the Department of Defense in Washington D.C. at 8am at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.

National Day Of The Cowboy – Founded by the American Cowboy magazine in 2004, this is a day to promote our cowboy history and protect our Western heritage. This day is celebrated on the fourth Saturday of July.

National Dance Day – Begun by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton in 2010, this is a day to celebrate dancing and other forms of physical fitness in order to have a healthy lifestyle.

Barbie-in-a-Blender Day – This is an interesting day created by This is an organization that “promotes the public interest in intellectual property and information & communications technology policy.” It was created when an artist, Tom Forsythe, was sued by Mattel for taking a picture of a Barbie doll in a blender. Mattel lost that one. And today you can celebrate your right of free speech by taking your own picture of a Barbie in a blender.

Paddle For Perthes Disease Awareness Day – Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is a disease that causes problems with the blood supply to the hips. Without enough blood, the bones break easily and do not heal well. So, to celebrate today, we don't use our legs much, hence the paddling. Paddle your canoe, or kayak or small boat or raft to show support for those who suffer from this disease. This day is celebrated on the last Saturday of July.

To celebrate today, grab your stilts and use them to lengthen your stride so you can make a quick trip to Washington D.C. by 8am for the ceremony at the Korean War Veterans Memorial. On the way home, borrow a cowboy's horse and herd a few cows on your way. Make sure you return the horse you borrowed because horse stealing is a serious offense. If you have to cross any rivers, rent a canoe or kayak or build a raft and paddle across. Don't worry, your horse can swim. When you get home, dance around your house while you take pictures of a Barbie doll in your blender.

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