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June 7, 2014

Today we celebrate:

National Trails Day – On the first Saturday in June, the American Hiking Society organizes “the country’s largest celebration of trails”. There are thousands of events celebrating this day occurring all over the country. See this web site for information on how to find an event in your local area.

Drawing Day or Pencil Day – Celebrated on the first Saturday in June, this is a day to drop everything, except babies, and pick up a pencil and draw a picture. That's the easy part. The hard part, for some, is that when you are finished with your picture, you need to share your art with others. This is a day to encourage the love of art and drawing and to share art amongst ourselves. To that end, I will start you off by sharing a still life drawing I made back in the early 1990's.

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day – Any kind of ice cream is good ice cream, but an ice cream that has chocolate involved is a great ice cream. Ice cream is far older than I ever imagined. Apparently it's origins can be traced back to the 4th century B.C. I'm sure that what they made doesn't in any way resemble what we eat today, but it must have been pretty delicious for the basic concept to have endured for so long.

Daniel Boone Day – Supposedly, on this day in 1769, Daniel Boone saw the forests and valleys of what is now Kentucky for the first time. The Kentucky Historical Society has been celebrating this day for more than 100 years. If you haven't read about Daniel Boone's life, you should. He was a fascinating man.

Belmont Stakes – This is a famous Thoroughbred horse race that is held every year in Belmont Park in Elmont, NY. It is a 1.5 mile race for 3 year old thoroughbreds. This year the winner gets $1.5 million dollars which is pretty powerful incentive for the owners. I'm not too sure if the horses care. Maybe they are racing for an extra apple.

VCR Day – We still have a working VCR because we still have some old VHS tapes that we watch now and then. For those of you who are too young to know, VCRs are the devices that brought movies into our homes. Prior to this ingenious invention, you had to go to the movie theater if you wanted to see a movie and seeing the same movie 100 times was really not a viable option. VCR's paved the way for the DVD players we have now. And yes, I have one of those too. I'm not so old that I don't embrace new least some of it.

To celebrate today, grab your pencil and draw a picture of Daniel Boone on a trail in Kentucky while you eat chocolate ice cream and watch the Belmont Stakes race, which you earlier taped on your VCR.

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