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May 7, 2015

Today we celebrate:

National Day Of Prayer – Always the first Thursday in May, this day was designated by the U.S. Congress in 1952 and the proclamation signed by the President every year since then asking Americans to “turn to God today in prayer and meditation.” There is apparently some historical evidence that says it was really begun by President George Washington, but I haven’t seen it. It should be noted that the Freedom From Religion Foundation has been trying to get this day to be declared unconstitutional but so far they have been unsuccessful. There will be an Observance of this day that will be broadcast from Washington D.C. which you can access from the website I have referenced.

National Day Of Reason – The direct opposite of National Day Of Prayer, and therefore, celebrated on the same day, this day was begun by atheists and secular groups who are opposed to prayer and do not believe it should be an official day.  They oppose what they call “the intrusion of religious ideology into all spheres of our government.”

Martin Z. Mollusk Day – Martin Z. Mollusk is a hermit crab who lives on Moorlyn Terrace Beach in Ocean City, NJ. Martin must be distantly related to Punxsutawney Phil because he can also predict the arrival of a new season.  If he sees his shadow today, the first Thursday in May, summer is going to come a week early in Ocean City. No shadow? Summer will begin on time.  Be at 9th Street Beach at 11am to catch the festivities.

National Tourism Day – The theme for this years’ National Tourism Week is “Travel is______.” The blank spot is to encourage everyone to be creative in defining what effect tourism has on the lives of…..everyone.  Since this is an event that is promoting tourism, the effects they talk about are all positive. You know the kind of thing I mean, quality time spent together, new experiences, adventure, etc. As a mother of three, I think about all of that, but I also think about the headaches, the entire family crammed into the same small hotel room every day for a week, the effort expended trying to convince the kids that museums can be fun too, and we didn't come all this way and spend all this money to stay in the hotel swimming pool all week long.

National Roast Leg Of Lamb Day – Another dinner dilemma solved today.  If you need a recipe, try this one.

National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day - This is a day to focus on the importance of children’s mental health.  We don’t often give a lot of thought to the mental health of our children, although when we see problems we sit up and take notice.  Unless we get a wake up call like that, we just tend to assume they are fine.  Find out how you can make sure of that because some mental health issues are not as obvious as others.

To celebrate today, go be a tourist in Ocean City, NJ.  While you are there, go see Martin Z. Mollusk and find out the status of summer this year. Then check the mental health of your children before you have a religious discussion with someone who holds an opposing viewpoint while sharing a roast leg of lamb for dinner.

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