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November 2, 2017

Today we celebrate:

Practice Being Psychic Day - I couldn’t find much information on this day so I don’t know who created it or why. But it seems to be a day for working on improving the psychic abilities that some people believe everyone has although most don’t know about it.

National Deviled Egg Day – My family loves deviled eggs. They are not even that bad for you, as snacks go. They are packed with protein, after all. How bad could they be?

All Souls Day – Follows up All Saints Day by celebrating all of the faithful who have become deceased but have not yet been purified and brought to Heaven.

Plan Your Epitaph Day – This is a day for you to decide what you want to have engraved on your headstone when you die. We celebrate this in April as well, I’m not sure why it is on two days a year.  My husband did this many years ago when he was sick with the flu and sure he was going to die. He dictated enough stuff for his headstone that I would have had to have put up a pyramid in order to hold it all. He's still mad at me for not writing it down. “That's right, Honey, you're not going to die so I'm not writing this down. If it's that important, you can write it down yourself later.” Of course, once he got better he forgot everything he said. I think I will not be telling him about this day, he'll just get mad all over again.

Look for Circles Day – This is an interesting day. It is all about looking for circles everywhere you go. What a way to keep the kids occupied today. I searched far and wide for a deeper meaning to the day but was unable to find one so I have to assume that this is as simple as the name suggests.

Cookie Monster Day - The Cookie Monster, a beloved monster from Sesame Street first appeared on Sesame Street in the very first episode on November 6, 1969. He wasn’t named until a short while later. His signature song is, “C is for Cookie,” which is probably a song that many of you could sing at least some of without even thinking about it. His birthday is today. We know that because of the book, Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster! In the story, the Cookie Monster eats the birthday cake before his guests arrive and is left trying to figure out what to feed them.

National Men Make Dinner Day – This is a day for the men in the family to make dinner. There are 12 very serious rules associated with this event. The first rule is that this day is to be celebrated on the first Thursday of November. The rest of the rules can be found here.

International Stout Day - Celebrated on the first Thursday of November, this is a day to celebrate, enjoy and learn more about Stout, which is a style of beer that dates back to the 1700s in Russia. There is a lot of history and technique involved and apparently you can taste all of that in a well made stout.

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