Car Keys and Small Change Day - This is a day that is not what it seems. It has nothing to do with car keys and small change, rather it is a day to celebrate the pockets that we put these items in. What would we do with all this little stuff if we didn’t have pockets? I have no idea.
National Science Day - This is a day to celebrate science in all of its’ forms. This isn’t an official day yet, but there is a petition circulating out there to ask President Obama to make it one.
Floral Design Day – This day was created by Governor Weld of Massachusetts as a way to celebrate Carl Rittner's birthday. Mr. Rittner founded The Rittners School of Floral Design in Boston and has spent years imparting his skills and knowledge of floral design to his students and fellow lovers of floral beauty. For thousands of years, people have used flowers to create beautiful works of art and to bring color and beauty to places where you don't usually find it naturally.
National Tooth Fairy Day – Once again we have a discrepancy here as some believe that the Tooth Fairy should be celebrated today and others believe that celebration should take place on August 22nd. Well, the Tooth Fairy works incredibly hard, if you think about it. Do you have any idea how many children lose teeth every day? Way too many for me to think about. So maybe she should have two days to celebrate. Let's all do her a favor today and not lose any teeth so maybe she can have a day of rest today.

National Chocolate Souffle Day – I have seen a reference to the possibility that the first souffle recipe appeared in 1742, in France. They were fairly common by the mid 1800's and could be found in most any cookbook. They do indeed have a tendency to collapse when removed from the oven so you have to be really, really careful. You can make them without chocolate, but I don't personally recommend it.
International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day - Celebrated on the last day of February, or the last Friday in February depending on who you ask, this is a day to be aware of the danger of straining your body by doing the same movements over and over again either through work or in your personal life.I listed some examples in my February 23rd post and don’t want to be too repetitive...see what I did there?
Rare Disease Day – Celebration is probably not the best term for what people do on this day. It is really a day that is more about raising awareness of rare diseases and trying to raise money for research to find cures for them. Unfortunately, since rare diseases affect only a small percentage of the population, there isn't the same level of financial support for research that you find with the diseases that affect more people such as breast cancer and heart disease. This means that progress on fighting these diseases is slow, which is heartbreaking for the families that are profoundly impacted. This day takes place on the last day of February.
Inconvenience Yourself Day – Celebrated on the fourth Wednesday in February, this is a day to go out of your way to do something for others. There are a million opportunities that come up in the course of a normal day that you can take advantage of in order to put yourself out and help someone. You just have to pay attention. Is there someone in one of those motorized shopping cart things at the grocery store who needs help reaching something high? Ask if you can get it for them. Let someone go ahead of you in line or while you're driving. I know if you're thinking about it, you'll find a way to help someone even if it’s just simply holding the door for someone or giving someone a smile when it looks like they’re having a bad day.
Ta'Anit Esther – (The Fast of Esther) This is a Jewish fast that begins at dawn and ends at dusk on this, the eve of...
Purim – This celebration begins at sundown today and ends at sundown tomorrow. The story of Purim is told in the Book of Esther. It is a celebration of the time when the Jewish people in Persia escaped extermination. It's also a very good day to make delicious hamantaschen cookies.
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