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June 18, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Go Fishing Day – Make sure your fishing license is up to date and find out what the fishing rules are in your area because today is a day to break out the rod and reel and head for the water. Fishing is a great way to relax, spend time with the kids and think deep thoughts.

International Panic Day – Back in March we had National Panic Day, but today is a day to take that feeling to a new level. World wide panic is on tap for today. Play up your fears big today, and encourage all of your friends all over the world to do the same. Panic about everything. Be afraid, be very afraid!

National Splurge Day – Normally I preach a frugal lifestyle as much as possible. But today is a day to let loose and buy that special thing you have been wanting soooooo bad but you haven't been able to come up with a good enough reason other than that to spend the money. Now you have it. Go get it.

International Sushi Day – Sushi is more than food, it is art. Sushi isn't all about raw fish, it's about the vinegar seasoned rice used in the dish. There are many different variations of this dish in this country with a wide variety of ingredients. I'm sure that even if you are not a fan of sushi, you can find some variation that you will enjoy.

To celebrate today, find that thing or things, object or idea, that brings out the panic in you and think about it today. Just let that panicky feeling flow free today. Then gather your fishing gear and spend the day fishing with the kids. On the way home, stop at the store and splurge on that thing you've been wanting forever. Finally, finish up the day with some delicious sushi for dinner.

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