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June 23, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Pecan Sandies Day – A special kind of cookie that may have originated in the medieval Arab world.

National Pink Day – This is a day for people who love the color pink. I can't figure out why pink deserves a special day. I haven't yet seen any other color get it's own day, so go figure. But today you are urged to buy things that are pink, wear things that are pink and decorate things with the color pink.

SAT Math Day – This is a day to share your favorite SAT math problems. It is celebrated today because today is Alan Turing's birthday. Alan Turing, as I'm sure you already know, was a British mathematician, computer scientist, cryptanalyst, and logician who was born in 1912. That's a lot of responsibilities for one man but he was brilliant at what he did. Sadly, he committed suicide just before he turned 42 because of governmental persecution over issues in his private life.

United Nations Public Service Day – On this day the UN Public Service Awards are given out to worthy public servants. This is a very prestigious event that celebrates the value of public service to communities around the world.

Pink Flamingo Day – This day was declared by Dean Mazzaralla in 2007. Mr. Mazzaralla was the mayor of Leominster, MA. He apparently really liked pink flamingos and felt that enough other people did as well so if you're a fan of pink flamingos, decorate your yard today with a flock of them. It is my understanding that less than 4 flamingos does not constitute a flock.

America's Kids Day – The goal of this day is to teach American children about what it is to be an American. We need to teach them our fundamental values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes, there is a lot of cynicism out there, but it is still possible for children to grow up to be anything they want to be if they are willing to work for it. That's what it is to be an American.

To celebrate today, wear as much pink as you can and dig out the pink flamingos and decorate your lawn with them. Then teach the kids how to solve your favorite SAT math problems. That could take a while depending on how old they are. Next, call up your favorite public servant and thank him/her for their service. Finally, have some pecan sandies while you teach your kids about how great it is to be an American.

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