Chanukah or Hanukkah - This is a Jewish celebration that begins at sundown this evening and will continue until sundown on Thursday, December 24th. The first candle on the Menorah is lit at nightfall this evening. On this Holiday, the Jewish people remember their struggle for religious freedom. When they succeeded in their rebellion against the Greeks in 162 BCE, they cleaned and re-dedicated the Temple. They only had enough consecrated oil to keep the lamp burning for one day, but miraculously that tiny bottle lasted for eight days. Which, of course, is the reason why Hanukkah lasts for 8 days.
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day – This is a day to cover whatever you want in chocolate and enjoy. Be creative and try nuts, strawberries, raisins, pretzels, candy of all kinds, hotdogs, french fries, lasagna....whatever you can think of.
This is the easiest day to celebrate that I have come across so far since I began this blog in January. Simply light the first candle of the Menorah and cover something in chocolate today and enjoy it with a cup of cold, salty tea.
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