National Sachertorte Day – A Sachertorte is a type of chocolate cake that was invented by Franz Sacher, an Austrian, in 1832 for Prince Wenzel von Metternich. The story goes that the Prince asked his personal chef to create a special dessert for some important guests. The chef was ill so the job fell to 16 year old apprentice Franz Sacher who was in his second year of training. While we know that the guests loved the cake, we don't hear about it again until Sacher's son, Eduard Sacher, became a chef and perfected his father's creation in 1876 when he opened the Hotel Sacher in Vienna.
AFL-CIO Day – On this day in 1955 the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations merged together into the largest federation of unions in the entire United States. For many years they represented nearly all of the unionized workers in the country.

Repeal of Prohibition Day – On this day in 1933, prohibition was ended with the 21st Amendment to the Constitution. Prohibition was supposed to protect families, women and children from the effects of alcohol abuse but it didn't work and in fact, made things worse. It was found that child neglect and violence increased during the years of Prohibition so there wasn't much arguing when Congress decided to repeal it.
International Ninja Day – This is a day to dress like a ninja and spend the day sneaking around making sure no one sees you. You can also celebrate by checking out the schools of martial arts near you to see if one of them appeals to you. You, too, can learn to be a ninja, or at least, more ninja like than you are now.

Faux Fur Friday – Faux fur is man made material that resembles animal fur in texture and appearance. It is cheaper than real animal fur and far less devastating to the animals in question. It was first invented in 1929 but has been increasing in popularity because it is very animal friendly. This day is celebrated on the first Friday in December.
Salesperson Day – Also celebrated on the first Friday in December, this is a day to recognize how much we depend on salespeople. They help us decide what we need, answer our endless questions, help us solve problems and offer advice. We depend on them to have all the answers we might ever need so they must keep up to date on the latest technology or fashion which are both constantly changing. This is different from National Salesperson Day which is the first Friday in March. Don’t bother asking me how it is different because the only thing I notice is that in March it’s a National day and today it’s just a day.
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