National Storytelling Day - This is a day for celebrating the ancient practice of storytelling. People have been telling stories for thousands of years. In the past, it was the primary way that news was spread from region to region because they didn’t have newspapers and books were rare. We still tell stories to entertain each other and to share news via television news shows.
International Day of No Prostitution - This day was created by Anti-prostitution feminists and is to spread their message of the destructive nature of prostitution to women. Very few women become prostitutes because they want to. The overwhelming majority are forced into it by people or circumstances that they cannot escape on their own, and far too many don’t see a way out of their situation.
World Teachers’ Day – There are Teacher's Days that are localized and celebrated in different countries at different times (mostly because they are honoring the birth of someone specific to their area), but this is the only Worldwide Teacher's Day. If you know any teachers personally, give them a call today.
Do Something Nice Day – This is a day to be nice to someone without being asked to. This does not count as me asking you to. You need to do it because you want to. This is sometimes called a random act of kindness or paying it forward. Call it what you want, just do it long as you want to.
National Depression Screening Day – This is a day to raise awareness of the signs of depression and anxiety disorders and to participate in a screening program so that you can get help if you need it. This day is celebrated on the Thursday during Mental Illness Awareness Week which is the first full week of October.
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