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May 12, 2013

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Today we celebrate:

Limerick Day – Edward Lear was born on this day in 1812. While he didn't create limericks, which are an Irish form of poetry, he was very well known for writing great limericks.

Mother's Day – Always celebrated on the second Sunday in May, this is a day to celebrate mothers, or mother figures everywhere. Typically we celebrate with cards and gifts, but if you have your own way of celebrating with your mother, or the one who is like a mother to you, feel free to do so.

National Nutty Fudge Day – I'm not a real fudge lover and I don't care for nuts with my chocolate, but if you feel differently, today is the day for you.

International Nurses Day – This day is celebrated every year on Florence Nightingale's birthday and it is a day to honor nurses all over the world. It takes a caring and dedicated person to be a nurse and we depend on them every time we go to any doctor's office or the hospital.

Mothers At The Wall Day – This is a day for mothers who have lost a child to war. There is nothing more devastating that losing your child. If you have lost one who went off to fight for our country, you have the heartfelt sympathies of an entire nation at your feet as you go to the Vietnam Memorial Wall for the special Mother's Day ceremony.

Odometer Day – Today is a day to reminisce with your vehicle. Think back to where you have been with your vehicle for however many miles are on it. Where have you gone and what have you done? I hope it was something fun and memorable and worth reminiscing about.

International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological And Neurological Diseases (CIND) – This day has been used for spreading awareness for CIND since 1992. These diseases include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Fibromyalgia (ME/CFS), Gulf War Syndrome, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivites. This day was chosen as it is Florence Nightingale's birthday and she is believed to have suffered from ME/CFS.

To celebrate today, take a trip to the Wall in Washington D.C. and hug all of those mothers who have lost their children in wars. On the way home, think about all the other trips you've taken in your car. Stop and pick up some nutty fudge for your own mother and drop it off along with some more hugs and a big thank you for being such a wonderful mother. Then you can stop at the local hospital or doctor's office that treats CIND and recite for the nurses and patients a funny limerick to liven up their day.

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