Pan American Aviation Day – This day celebrates the first successful flight by the Wright Brothers. See Wright Brothers Day below. The purpose of this day is to increase interest in aviation in all of the American countries in order to expand cultural development and increase communication between all of these countries and territories.
Wright Brothers Day – This day also celebrates the first successful flight by the Wright Brothers because it was on this day in 1903, that Wilbur and Orville Wright finally succeeded in their endeavor to invent a mechanically propelled aircraft that is capable of flight. History was made and aircraft have made one heck of a lot of progress in just 112 years.

International Talk With A Fake British Accent Day – This day was created by Louise Gale and Derek Nisbet, founders of the Big Apple Brits, in 2009. They have planned some events in NYC to celebrate this day and everyone is encouraged to talk with a British accent for these events.
National Re-gifting Day – Celebrated on the third Thursday in December, this is a day to break out the unwanted and unused gifts that you have received over the year and gift them to someone else. This day was chosen because it is the most common day for holiday office parties, and coworkers are the most common recipients of re-gifting.
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