National Ham Salad Day - Are you throwing or attending a party today? It’s the perfect excuse to make a delicious Ham Salad to share with some crackers. You can try this recipe if you like.
Flake Appreciation Day - This is a day that was probably created by the greeting card industry although I haven’t seen any snow flake greeting cards for sale in the stores. But it is a day for appreciating the beauty of the snowflake. Individually, they are a tiny work of art. In a group, they are a pain in the tuckus.
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day - Celebrated on a Friday in December, this is a day to scour your closet for the ugliest Christmas sweater you own. If you don’t own one, what is wrong with you? Run to the store and get one before it’s too late. Then wear that sweater all day today. It doesn’t matter what else is going on. Even if you are going to a wedding today, wear the sweater. If you are the one getting married, chose poorly but you have to live with the sweater.

Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day - Yes, this is a real day. I know, I was skeptical as well, but then I saw this. My only suggestion here is that you buy a brand new plunger for this celebration. You can either keep it and reuse it for only that purpose every year or use it as it is meant to be used and buy a new one every year.
Free Shipping Day – This day was begun in 2007 by Luke and Maisie Knowles with the intention of extending the online shopping season. There was a time when Cyber Monday was generally the most popular day for online shopping. After that, most people were afraid they wouldn't get their items in time for Christmas so they didn't shop online again. Now, Free Shipping Day is another very popular day for online shopping. Some stores hold their own free shipping deals not related to this specific day.
UN Arabic Language Day - There are six official languages of the United Nations and this is one of them. It is celebrated on this day every year because this is “the day in 1973 when the General Assembly approved Arabic as an official UN language”. So get your Arabic/English, or whatever your native language is, dictionary out and start practicing so you can speak Arabic to your friends today. Unless your friends are Arabic, they will have no idea what is going on and it is always fun to confuse your friends.
National Roast Suckling Pig Day – This day is more popular in other countries than in America, but I imagine there are a few people who have been waiting anxiously for this day to come around. I hope you have some friends to share with, otherwise you are going to have quite a lot of leftovers to deal with.
Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day – Have you seen Will Ferrell's movie, Elf? If not, you will want to watch it today so that you are prepared when the phone rings to answer it with the proper amount of enthusiasm.....”Buddy the Elf...What's your favorite color?”
International Migrants Day – This day was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000 in order to recognize the millions of migrants in the world. They are seeking to protect the rights of the migrants and to recognize their contributions to the economies of the countries they live and work in. Migrants, of course, are the workers who travel from farm to farm throughout the growing season working to harvest the fruits and vegetables we depend on for food.
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