Cathode-Ray Tube Day - The cathode-ray tubes were used in old computer monitors and televisions. They were what we used before there were the LCD and plasma screens that we use today. But before you go thinking that this was lame, remember that if there were no cathode-ray tubes, there would be no LCD and plasma screens today. Technology builds on and improves the technology of the past but everything starts somewhere.

Mudd Day - Dr. Samuel A. Mudd was born on this day in 1833. He was the doctor who helped John Wilkes Booth medically after he assassinated Abraham Lincoln. To be fair, Booth was disguised, it was right after the assassination so the good doctor might not have even known about it, and he was a doctor who was sworn to help anyone who needed it. Any doctor probably would have done the same. Regardless, the good doctor was sentenced to life imprisonment for his deeds. Fortunately for him, he was pardoned after 4 years by President Andrew Johnson.
International Human Solidarity Day – Created by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005 for the purpose of recognizing shared values between people in the world and using those values to fight against poverty and promote human and social development in the poorest areas of the world.
Go Caroling Day – Who wants to wander the neighborhood singing Christmas Carols in the cold and__(insert whatever weather is happening in your area)__? Anyone? Excellent! I'll meet you outside.
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