Check Your Batteries Day – This coincides with Daylight Savings Time and is a time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. It's important to make sure your smoke detectors work properly so that they can save your life if you try to sleep through a fire. Trust me, you don't want to do that. But even more annoying than sleeping through a fire is waiting too long to change your batteries because they start that high pitched chirping sound. Because, let me tell you, if you have as many smoke detectors as I do, it is very time consuming standing underneath each one for an hour while you wait for it to chirp. Especially since the one that is chirping is never the one you are standing under. And then, you might have the situation that I had a couple of years ago when not one but two of my smoke detectors started chirping, but they couldn’t do it at the same time. No. I stood under every single smoke detector in my house and not a single one chirped while I was under it. The sound was always coming from a different room. It took me about six hours to figure that one out. Save yourself and change all of the batteries today.
The Start of Daylight Savings Time – It's that time of year again when we mess up our internal clocks and our children's sleep schedule by changing the time by an hour. Even worse, it's the spring so we leap forward and lose an hour of sleep. Better get to bed early to make up for it.
National Ear Muff Day - On this day in 1877, in Farmington, Maine, Chester Greenwood received a patent for his invention of ear muffs. He invented them when he was fifteen years old with some sewing help from his grandmother. By the time he was 19, he had perfected the flaws in his invention and applied for a patent. That invention was his first and although when he died at the age of 79, he had acquired over 130 patents, he still made the ear muffs that had been his beginning.

Ken Day – On this day in 1961, Ken Carson, was debuted at a toy fair and began a long, long courtship of Barbie. I believe they broke up for a time about ten or so years ago, and I'm not sure what happened after that. I try to stay out of doll drama.
National Coconut Torte Day – A very rich dessert for coconut lovers.
Donald Duck Day – Many people think this day falls on June 9th, assuming that his birthday is the day of his Hollywood Film debut. However, these people would be incorrect. In the comics, there is an actual date when Donald's nephews were despairing of finding 'Unca Donald' a birthday gift. The wall calendar showed the date of March 13th. Therefore, Happy Birthday Donald Duck. I hope your nephews eventually figured out a good gift.
Good Samaritan Involvement Day – On this day in 1964 in Queens, NY, Catherine “Kitty” Genovese was attacked and stabbed to death while many of her neighbors heard and even saw what was happening and did absolutely nothing to help her. So today, is a day to get involved and help people who need it. While the majority of us will hopefully never witness a horrible crime like what happened to Catherine, you don't need to wait for something that extreme in order to step in and help someone who needs it.

L. Ron Hubbard Day – Born on this day in Nebraska in the year 1911, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard became a well known science fiction author and eventually founded the Church of Scientology.
National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day – Today is the day to conduct a scientific experiment. You know the old superstition about bad luck coming upon you if you open an umbrella indoors? Well, open an umbrella indoors today and see if it causes you any bad luck. The trick, if you have some bad luck, is to try to figure out if you would have had bad luck anyway with or without the umbrella. This is best accomplished by comparing notes with other experimenters. If the premise that opening umbrellas indoors makes bad luck is accurate, then I surmise that everyone who does it will have bad luck. If even one of you does not have bad luck then it all falls under the category of coincidence.
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