Black Press Day - On this day in 1827, the first issue of Freedom’s Journal was published by John Brown Russwurm and Rev. Samuel Cornish. It was the first Black newspaper to ever be published in the United States. This website has some good ways to celebrate this day.
Brain Injury Awareness Day – On this day, as they do every year, Congress will participate in an awareness fair, briefing and reception. All focused on the effects of brain injuries which can be very traumatic and severe. It doesn't take much of an impact for your brain to be injured and it can have immense consequences that affect the victim for the remainder of his/her life. This day does not fall on the same day every year, it is always in March, but the day depends on when the Congresspeople on the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force decide to make it.
Goddard Day – Robert Goddard, born on October 5, 1882, was the first to launch a rocket propelled by a liquid fuel. He accomplished this feat on this day in 1926 on his Aunt Effie's farm in Massachusetts. He may also have been the first to state that space travel to the moon was possible. He was ridiculed in the New York Times and other papers for this belief. It's a shame that he died in 1945 before seeing the papers eat their words.

National Artichoke Heart Day – Artichoke heart lovers! Today is your day! For those of you who aren't sure yet about this crazy looking food, you can try this website for recipes that might appeal to you.
National Everything You Do Is Right Day – You knew this was coming right? After all, you can't do everything wrong every day. There had to be a flip side. So whatever it is you want to do today, do it with confidence because you're in the groove today!
Freedom Of Information Day – Recognized by Congress in 1989, this day was chosen for the purpose of highlighting the importance of the freedom of the press, religion, the public library system and the public's right to know.....stuff. It is celebrated today because today is the birthday of President James Madison (our 4th President of the U.S.) who was the biggest contributor to the writing of the Bill of Rights.
Curlew Day – A curlew is a bird with a long bill. And this time of year, they are busy practicing for their extravagant courtship flights. So if you see one, make sure you don't do anything to break their concentration. May the best bird win. This is the date that they usually arrive at the Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge for their nesting season.
St. Urho's Day – I could not determine who created the story of St. Urho, but it apparently began in the 1950's and involves a man driving grasshoppers out of Finland, saving the famed Finnish grape crops. Wear purple and green during your celebrations today.
Kick Butts Day – Some of my karate friends are going to see this and say, “YES!” But read on my friends because we are talking about a different kind of 'butt'. Today is a day for fighting against the Tobacco industry, encouraging kids to not pick up the tobacco habit, and raising awareness about the health concerns related to tobacco. There are more than a thousand events of different kinds with this goal in mind scheduled around the world today.
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