National Organize Your Home Office Day – Today is the day. No more excuses. Get in there and get started. Make a to-do list, find your file folders, start sorting and making piles. You can do it! A place for everything and everything in its' place. (I hear this from my husband all the time.) This day is celebrated on the second Tuesday of March.

National Be Nasty Day – I'm not sure who made this day up but it was probably a grouch plotting revenge for last month's Do A Grouch A Favor Day. You are encouraged to be nasty whenever possible today, so go ahead and tell someone how you really think they look or what you really think about them. Just be careful, they might respond in kind.
International Women's Day – Created by the United Nations in 1975, it used to be called International Working Women's Day and is a day to celebrate women's social, political and economic achievements. In some countries it is an occasion for men to show their women how much they love and appreciate them much like Mother's Day and Valentine's Day in this country. In other countries it is more likely to be about highlighting the unique challenges that women face in what is still, a man's world. The theme for this year's celebrations is “Pledge for Parity.” Parity is another word for equality.
National Peanut Cluster Day –This is a delicious treat that began simply...someone mixed peanuts and chocolate. But these days you can get very complicated. It doesn't matter which recipe you prefer, they are all delicious.
National Proofreading Day – Created by Judy Beaver in honor of her mother, this is a day to double or triple check anything you write to make sure you correct any mistakes. Making this a habit will help you to maintain your professionalism.
Girls Write Now Day – Today is a day for females of all ages, all cultures, and all countries to write. Women need to mentor women to help each other achieve their great potential. Girls Write Now is an organization that was founded in 1998. They have a mission to help underprivileged girls in public high schools in NYC to improve their writing skills and and find out if a career in writing is the right choice for them.
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