Easter – A very important Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
World Theatre Day - Created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute, this is a day that the ITI shares a World Theatre Day International Message by an important person who shares his or her reflections on the theme of “Theatre and a Culture of Peace.” In 2016, the author of this message is Anatoli Vassiliev. Mr. Vassiliev is the founder of the Moscow Theatre School of Dramatic Arts. You can see the whole list of message authors here.
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day - This is one of the few “floating” food holidays. It might even be the only one. I’d have to look that up. It is celebrated on Easter every year, hence the reason for the floating since Easter is on a different day every year.

National “Joe” Day – This is just a silly and fun day. If your name is Joe, you're golden and you don't have to change a thing. If your name is anything else, today it's going to be “Joe”. And you don't have to worry about remembering anyone else's name either because everyone is “Joe” today.
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day – There are some country songs that have some very odd titles to say the least. I find it interesting that there are enough of them that someone felt the need to make a day for the subject. I’ll give you a quick example: ‘Dixie Rose Deluxe’s Honky-Tonk, Feed Store, Gun Shop, Used Car, Beer, Bait, BBQ, Barber Shop, Laundromat’. Yes, that is the name of a song. Here are some more.
Celebrate Exchange Day – Created by The National Exchange Club which was founded on this day in 1911 by businessmen who wanted to exchange ideas. The members advised each other and shared information and arranged activities to benefit their communities such as supporting the youth, preventing crime and helping senior citizens, members of the military and more.
Neighbor Day - Always on the last Sunday in March, this is a day to celebrate communities in Australia. So today, gather with your neighbors and build relationships that will last a lifetime. You will all benefit in many ways.
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