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August 5, 2017

Today we celebrate:

National Mustard Day – Celebrated on the first Saturday of August, this is a day to eat lots and lots of mustard. There is surprisingly, to me anyway, a Mustard Museum in Middleton, Wisconsin that has a whole mustard themed day planned for today with free hot dogs, music, games, etc. They use this event to raise money for a worthy charity.

National Disc Golf Day - This is a relatively new day, it was begun in 2016 by the Professional Disc Golf Association as a way to kick off the opening day of the 2016 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships. It is now celebrated on the first Saturday of August.

Green Peppers Day - While green peppers may be technically a fruit, we all use them as vegetables. They come in many colors but we are focused on the green ones today. They are very healthy, and are just chock full of vitamins and minerals. I love to eat them in a salad, others put them on pizza, in a stir fry, stuffed with something delicious, on a sandwich or just plain.

International Traffic Light Day - The electric traffic light was created by Lester Wire, an American police officer in 1912. On this day in 1914, the electric traffic signal was installed in Cleveland, OH on the corner of East 105th St. and Euclid Ave by the American Traffic Signal Company. Prior to this, for many years, the only traffic signals were red and green gas lamps that had to be turned by a traffic police officer using a lever. Can you imagine what life would be like if we had never improved on that? Just think about how many traffic lights there are in the town you live in.

Work Like A Dog Day – Working like a dog means working really hard when you work and when you're not working, just nap wherever you happen to be. Make sure you turn around three times before you lay down.

National Oyster Day – Rumored to be an aphrodisiac, these delectable mollusks have over 100 different species and are known by a variety of names based on where they are grown. There are so many ways to cook them that I could have a blog with a different recipe every day for a year without repetition. Enjoy your favorite recipe today.

National Underwear Day - Created in 2003 by Freshpair, this is a day to display your underwear in public, in unique and creative ways. For example, you could wear the underwear on the outside of your clothing or you could turn it into a handbag. A couple of years ago, there was a group of people in NYC who were attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people in their underwear. They were not able to break the record but they still managed to get a group of over 800 people to participate. I’m sure that was an interesting sight.

Mead Day - Mead is a beverage that is easy to make as long as you have all the equipment necessary to make beer. It is sometimes called “honey wine” and can come in a variety of flavors. I’ve never tried it myself, but I’d be willing to have a taste, being over 21 and all. If you are also over 21, feel free to find some and give it a try. This is celebrated on the first Saturday of August.

Taxpayer Appreciation Day - Celebrated on the first Saturday in August, this is a day to appreciate the taxpayers in your area for making your local, state and federal government programs possible. Beyond that, I have no idea if this day means anything else.

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