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August 7, 2017

Today we celebrate:

Beach Party Day - This is a great day to have a beach party, especially if you live near a beach. It doesn’t even have to be an ocean beach, if you live near a lake with a beach, have a party today. Beat the heat by taking a water break with your family and friends.

National Sea Serpent Day - On This day in 1848, the men on the ship HMS Daedalus saw a sea serpent. They were traveling to Saint Helena and saw a 60 foot long creature with a head that had a kind of mane. This is not the first time someone has claimed to see a sea serpent, and most of those sightings can be explained away by mistaken identity. It can be difficult to identify sea life, when most of it is underwater. But others cannot. Are there really sea serpents out there? Hard to know and especially these days with the photoshopping capabilities we all have readily available, hard to believe even with photographic evidence.

Raspberries 'n Cream Day – Raspberries mixed with cream. Light, summery and delicious.

National Lighthouse Day – On this day in 1789, Congress approved an Act that established lighthouses, beacons, buoys and public piers. Two hundred years later, Congress established National Lighthouse Day to celebrate these structures, many of which are still used today and allow our waters to be safely navigated.

Professional Speakers Day – This is a day to celebrate the professionals who use their public speaking skills to help people. Not everyone is comfortable talking in front of large groups of people. So those who are, and are very good at it, can accomplish a great deal for a good cause. My husband is one of those people who is very comfortable speaking to any size group. I, on the other hand, am only comfortable speaking in front of a large group of 1 to 3 people. Fortunately for me, my husband is a very accommodating person and he has agreed to deliver his own eulogy at his funeral when the time comes. I don’t know how he is going to do that, but he’s a smart man so I have faith that he will figure it out.

Purple Heart Appreciation Day – This is a day to celebrate the 233rd Anniversary of the Badge of Military Merit (which came into existence by order of General George Washington) which inspired the creation of the Purple Heart we use today.

Simcoe Day - This day honors John Graves Simcoe, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada (now Ontario) in the 1790s. Mr. Simcoe is credited with superb planning and design work in setting the layout of the Ontario area that works very well for them even to this day.  I believe this day is celebrated on the first Monday in August.

Assistance Dog Day - Celebrated on the Monday of Assistance Dog Week, this is a day to honor the dogs who assist us on a daily basis. Not everyone needs one, but if you do, you don’t need me to tell you how important they are to your ability to get through the day. Dogs are incredibly smart and can be trained to do amazing things to help people who are blind, deaf, suffer from maladies like PTSD and so much more.

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