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February 6, 2014

Today we celebrate:

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation – The United Nations sponsors this day to make the world aware of the fact that female genital mutilation happens in many countries of this world and we need to do whatever we can to make it stop. The first step is to get into those areas where it happens and educate parents who, for reasons I cannot comprehend, believe it's the right thing to do to their daughters.

Lame Duck Day – Elected officials who are nearing the end of their terms are considered lame ducks. This is a day to reflect upon the contributions of these ducks, I mean people, to society at large before they go off to obscurity. If you don't like the official leaving office, give them a break today. After all, they will be out of office very shortly.

To celebrate today, get the lame duck leaving office in your area to use whatever influence they have left to spread awareness of the problem of female genital mutilation in the world.

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