Today we celebrate:
National Oyster Day – Rumored to be an aphrodisiac, these delectable molluscs have over 100 different species and are known by a variety of names based on where they are grown. There are so many ways to cook them that I could have a blog with a different recipe every day for a year without repetition. Enjoy your favorite recipe today.
Work Like A Dog Day – Working like a dog means working really hard when you work and when you're not working, just nap wherever you happen to be. Make sure you turn around three times before you lay down.
National Underwear Day - Created in 2003 by Freshpair, this is a day to display your underwear in public, in unique and creative ways. Last year, there was a group of people in NYC who were attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people in their underwear. They were not able to break the record but they still managed to get a group of over 800 people to participate. I’m sure that was an interesting sight.
National Night Out - Celebrated on the second Tuesday in August, this is a day to keep the crime out of your neighborhood. It was begun in 1984 by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW), a non-profit that supports several different crime prevention programs, as an effort to promote citizen involvement in keeping the criminals out of our neighborhoods.
To celebrate everything in one day, work hard to earn your nap before you have an oyster dinner and go out in your underwear to patrol your neighborhood.
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