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October 27, 2017

Today we celebrate:

Cranky Co-Workers Day - We all have one or two, or more, in our office. Those co-workers who just can’t seem to find the bright side to anything and have no issues about expressing that to anyone who will listen. So today is a day to stop fighting them and join them. Leave them be, stop trying to be the cheerful one, and bring out your inner crank. Encourage the whole office to have a crank fest if you like.

Boxer Shorts Day - This is a day to celebrate underwear that used to be strictly for men. But now women have decided that they are very comfortable and so they have women’s boxer shorts as well.

Occupational Therapy Day - Occupational Therapists help us to learn how to live our lives as normally as possible after an injury. They also help children with disabilities learn how to do things that other children find easy. This is a day to increase awareness of all that they do that can benefit many others in the world.

Sylvia Plath Day - Sylvia Plath was a poet who went to Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. That is where this day began when 1,000 people in that area signed a petition to honor her. She was what is called a “confessional” poet because she imparted a great deal of personal information in her poems. In 1982 she became the first poet to win the Pulitzer Prize posthumously.

National Black Cat Day - This day is timed to happen a few days before Halloween when black cats are feared the most. People have a superstition about black cats and bad luck that is ridiculous. They equate black cats with witchcraft and evil, when the truth is that black cats are just as lovable and adorable as any other color cat.

Navy Day - We just celebrated the Navy’s Birthday, but this day was created in 1922 by the Navy League of the United States. This day was chosen to honor President Theodore Roosevelt’s birthday. President Roosevelt used to be the Assistant Secretary of the Navy and was a strong Navy supporter. It was also this day in 1775 when a special committee of the Continental Congress issued a report suggesting that America should purchase merchant ships in order to create an American Navy.

American Beer Day – On this day, grab an American beer for yourself and a few dozen of your favorite people and celebrate American made beer. No imported beers will work to celebrate today.

National Potato Day – Back on August 19th, we had Potato Day. This one is just like that one except it is National Potato Day so the whole nation will be celebrating by eating some form of potato today.  It doesn’t matter if that potato is baked, fried, mashed, boiled, broiled, grilled, peeled, painted, sliced, diced, grated, or anything else you can do to a potato.

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – Our entire world today is dependent on audiovisual recordings. This day commemorates the 1980 adoption by the United Nations General Conference, of the Recommendation for the Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images. That big fancy name just means that they want us to know how important it is to keep the world's audiovisual documentation safe. Particularly the early generations of audiovisual medium because they are the most susceptible to the degradation and deterioration that comes with age simply because they are the oldest.

Frankenstein Friday - This is a day to celebrate the birth of Frankenstein who is one of the most well known monsters of all. He was created by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley when she was 21 years old and wrote the story, “Frankenstein.” We celebrate this day on the last Friday of October.

National Bandanna Day - This day is all about raising money to support young people with cancer. It looks like you get some bandanna’s from and then host a Bandanna Day Fundraiser where you sell the bandannas and give the money to CanTeen.

National Breadstick Day - Celebrated on the last Friday in October, this is a day to eat some delicious breadsticks. It doesn’t matter if you buy them from a bakery or restaurant, or you make your own.

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