Baptism of the Lord - Celebrated on the first Sunday following the Epiphany by Anglican and Lutheran Churches, this is a day to commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.
National No Pants Day - This day was originally celebrated on January 10, 1986. Some choose to celebrate in May because it’s a little bit warmer. Apparently this day came about because of a man who simply forgot his pants and went to work without them. Of course, he noticed after he got on the subway and it was too late to go back home, so he bluffed his way through the day. The idea caught on and the next year, he had a multitude of people who followed his example.
Houseplant Appreciation Day - This is a day to find a new appreciation for your houseplants. Now that most of us have put away our holiday decorations, you might be thinking that your house looks a little drab. But don’t forget your beautiful houseplants! Give them a little water, spray the dust off their leaves, talk to them a little bit and they will make your house shine again.

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day – Well, I know that not everyone likes chocolate. But I think those people are in the minority and I just have to feel sorry for them.
Peculiar People Day – I'm sure that someone knows how this day came about, but I couldn't find them. It's just plain peculiar. Kind of like some people I know. If you are one of them, this is your day. Awww...who are we kidding? We are all peculiar is some form or other.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day – Today is the day to spend some time figuring out how to save some money on energy. And when you figure it out, please share your secrets for the rest of us. The stores that sell appliances tout the energy star appliances but I don't think that any of us are going to go out and spend thousands of dollars on all new appliances at one time. You can also change your light bulbs to the energy efficient ones. Any other ideas?
League Of Nations Day – On this day in 1920 the League of Nations came into being. I didn't know there was a League of Nations. Is it anything like the Justice League?
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