Get to Know Your Customers Day - No business could survive without customers. So this is a day for business owners to get to know their customers so they can serve them better. Appreciate your customers for their desire to give you their business. Yes, even the annoying ones. This day occurs three more times this year on the third Thursday of the beginning of each quarter.
National Granola Bar Day – Granola bars were developed in the 1970's when an inventor, possibly Stanley Mason, figured out that by compressing granola with something sticky, like honey, and baking it so it stays together, one can create a portable breakfast.

Squirrel Appreciation Day – Today is a day to appreciate those creatures that many of us consider to be pests. Instead of shooing them off your bird feeders, throw a few nuts out for them. Hey! I said out FOR them, not AT them! Come on, if you look at them the right way, they are kind of cute. Yes, they are! If you don't see it, try squinting. The black ones are the cutest, you don't see those too often unless you live in my portion of the neighborhood. We have a tribe of them.
National New England Clam Chowder Day – What a great lunch this would be. Isn't it great when I solve your dilemma about what to eat for lunch today! Now don’t be going for the Manhattan Clam Chowder. That is a whole different day, I’m sure.
Own Your Own Home Day - This day was created in 1920 by a group of businesses and civic groups. At the time, owning your own home was considered to be the best thing you could do. People wanted to reduce the number of drifters that didn’t stay in a community long enough to help to improve it and they wanted to encourage the growth of a community spirit. Things are different these days and owning your own home is not always the best thing for everyone financially. For example, if you own a home and lose your job, you could lose the home plus it is harder to accept a job in another location because selling a house can take a very long time. So you should look at your finances and goals and talk to a financial planner before you decide if owning a home would be beneficial for you.
Women's Healthy Weight Day – Celebrated on the Thursday of the third full week of January, this is a day to celebrate the fact that there is a different healthy weight for everyone. So today we honor women of all shapes and sizes who strive to be a healthy weight no matter what that number on the scale happens to be.
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