Curried Chicken Day - This is a dish consisting of somewhat spicy stir fried chicken that is usually served over rice, although it doesn’t have to be.
Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution Day - OK people, it’s only twelve days in. Way too early to ditch the New Year’s Resolutions you made less than two weeks ago. It takes dedication and discipline to keep going and keep working toward your goals. You have that dedication and discipline if you just dig deep and find it.
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day - Ladies, this is a day for you. This is permission for you to ogle, whistle, and otherwise express your appreciation of the fantastically handsome men you come across today. Just don’t do any stalking or assaulting of any of them. That could land you in jail.
National Marzipan Day – Marzipan is used by pastry chefs to decorate cakes. I've never decorated with it but I'll have to give it a shot today.
National Pharmacist Day – Where would we be without Pharmacists? I have one in the family and I don't know what we would do without him. You can ask them anything at all about medications and if they don't know the answer off the top of their heads, they have it at their fingertips. It’s never a bad idea to talk to your pharmacist to make sure you understand everything you need to know about the medication you have been prescribed and to make sure it won’t work against whatever else you are taking.

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