National Hot Sauce Day - Those of you who enjoy a little spice to your food...ok, maybe a LOT of spice to your food...this is a day for you. Get out the hot sauce and add it to whatever you want. Maybe there are a couple of you who even like your hot sauce straight up. I think you are blessed with a superpower….the ability to withstand temperatures that would kill a normal human.
National Blonde Brownie Day – If you're not a fan of chocolate, these are the perfect solution for you.
Dance of the Seven Veils Day - This is a dance that came from the Middle East. It is a belly dancing tradition where the dancer wears seven veils attached to her costume. During the course of the dance, the veils are pulled off and tossed aside. Traditionally the dance is performed by women for the enjoyment of men but in this modern age, there is no reason why that cannot be adjusted.
Come in from the Cold Day - This is a day that was probably created by the greeting card industry, but we don’t know for sure. But it’s a very inviting day as we usually tell people to come in from the cold when they are coming to visit us.

Celebration Of Life Day – We have all been given the wondrous gift of life. Some of us have had life altering experiences which cause us to realize just what an incredible gift that is, but today all of us must live life to the fullest, like it is our last chance to do so. The sad but real truth is that for many of us on this planet, it is our last day. Hopefully that is not the case for you or anyone you know, but you can’t have this many people billions of people living on the Earth without some of them dying every day. Don’t take the gift that has been given to you for granted.
Data Innovation Day – For the third year, we will be celebrating information by participating in an online virtual conference of data scientists, technologists, civic leaders and more to talk about how data is making the world a better place. Sign up at the link I have provided to participate between 12noon and 4pm EST.
Women's Healthy Weight Day – Celebrated on the Thursday of the third full week of January, this is a day to celebrate the fact that there is a different healthy weight for everyone. So today we honor women of all shapes and sizes who strive to be a healthy weight no matter what that number on the scale happens to be.
Roe vs. Wade Day – On this day in 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the right of women to have an abortion. Their vote was 7 – 2 in favor of Roe. It was a very controversial topic back then and nothing really has happened to change that. I work in a building that is located near a Planned Parenthood facility and there are frequently Anti-Abortion picketers hanging out with their signs outside the building. There are many others who are equally vocal on the other side of the issue.
National Activity Professionals Day - Activity Professionals work in nursing homes and other similar places to make sure that the life of the residents of the home is mentally and physically active. They plan activities and special events regularly so the residents can be as involved as they would like to be. Without them, a nursing home or assisted living facility would just be a place to go and sit and wait to die.
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