National “Just Do It” Day - If there is something that you are thinking about doing, stop thinking and just do it. I’m not sure who created this day but it seems to be a day for action. Stop waffling about and make a decision and then….just do it.
National Lobster Thermidor Day - A complicated lobster dish that is apparently very tasty. It uses lobsters, grated cheese, eggs, cream, mushrooms, and sherry, among other things.

National Beer Can Appreciation Day – On this day in 1935, the first beers were served in cans and the rest is history. I wonder if this is the day when the first beer can was crushed as well.
National Compliment Day – This day is one of the easiest days you will ever celebrate. Simply compliment at least five people today. I don't know who created it but that is less important than the fact that if you celebrate today, you will lift the spirits of at least five people.
National Eskimo Pie Patent Day – Christian Kent Nelson invented the I-Scream-Bar somewhere around 1920. His inspiration was supposedly seeing a child trying to decide between buying ice cream or candy because he didn't have enough money for both. So he created a bar that combined ice cream and candy. It was renamed the Eskimo Pie shortly after he received his patent on this day in 1920 or 1921.
Change A Pet's Life Day – This is a day to change a pet's life. Go to your local animal shelter and find a pet that would be perfect for your family. Change his/her life by rescuing them from the loneliness of a cage and sharing with them the love of a family.
Global Belly Laugh Day - Small chuckles and little teehee's will not do today. Today is a day for big, from your stomach, belly laughs. Join the belly laugh bouncing around the world today at 1:24pm local time.
Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day – If you thought Talk Like A Pirate Day was fun, here's another one for you. First, ya gots ta figger out a name fer yersef. Sumthin grizzly like Cactus Pete. On this here day, back there in '48, James Marshall found himsef the first great big ol' nugget up there at Sutter's Mill. Ev'r'one went plumb crazy after that.
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