St. Joseph’s Day - St. Joseph was the husband of the Virgin Mary, and foster father of Jesus. He had to have been a pretty special man to have been willing to take on that situation, especially in that time period. So today is a feast day for carpenters (since he was one), anyone with the name Joseph, and any institution bearing his name. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates him on the Sunday after Christmas.
Client’s Day - Today is a day to celebrate the clients that you depend upon in order to run your business. If there are no clients, there is no business. So make sure your valued clients know how much you appreciate their business.

Certified Nurses Day - On this day we honor nurses all around the world who pursue national board certification in a multitude of medical specialties. This certification ensures that they have the advanced skills that they need in order to help patients achieve the best outcome possible. This is also a day to encourage all nurses to advance their skills and careers by choosing to pursue certification.
National Poultry Day – Poultry is not just chicken. It could be any domesticated bird raised for meat or eggs. Be creative today, try something you've never tried before like quail or pheasant.
Swallows Return To San Juan Capistrano Day – I don't know how these birds would know what day it is but apparently they were always on time and there has been a big festival every year to celebrate their return. The scout swallows would come first to make sure everything is ready for the party. However, for the last few years, apparently they haven’t come back. Some speculate that the Great Stone Church where they had so many nests had some work done which caused many of the nests to be destroyed. Since swallows typically return to the same nest year after year, this could have disrupted their routine.
Operation Iraqi Freedom Day – On this day in 2003, President George W. Bush got on the television and announced the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The mission was to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein and stop Iraq from being able to produce weapons of mass destruction. It didn’t quite work out the way they expected, but ultimately the goal was reached.
National Chocolate Caramel Day – Ok, I admit it, I'm salivating right now. I love chocolate and caramel which is why I never have any of it around. But since today is a special day, I guess I just have to go out and get some.
National Wellderly Day – Created by Dr. Dale Anderson, and celebrated on the third Monday in March, this is a day for people of all ages to stay young and healthy by starting each morning with a 15 second belly laugh while looking in a mirror. It sets up your day to be positive and successful.
National Act Happy Day – Also created by Dr. Dale Anderson and celebrated along with Wellderly Day, this is a day to behave in a happy way all day long. According to Dr. Anderson, this will help your health in dramatic ways by elevating endorphin levels. I have heard this said another way….you have to fake it to make it. So if you fake being happy, you will actually be happy.
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