National Banana Cream Pie Day – My kids are not fans of this kind of pie, but I am. Try out this recipe and let me know how you like it.
National Old Stuff Day – We have some choices in celebrating this day. We can revel in the old stuff we have, find all our old stuff and get rid of it, or forsake the old stuff and try something new this year. I plan to do a little bit of all of that. I certainly have plenty of old stuff that I can get rid of, I have some other old stuff that I’d like to last a little longer so I’ll try to fix it up a bit, and who doesn’t like to get a little something new now and then.
Dr. Seuss Day – On this day in 1904, Dr. Seuss was born. Of course, his parents didn’t name him that. They named him Theodor Seuss Geisel, but when he turned out to be a wonderful author, poet and cartoonist, he chose the name Dr. Seuss. He began publishing cartoons when he was at Dartmouth College. That was the first time he used the alias “Seuss”.
NEA's Read Across America Day – This day is officially celebrated today since this is Dr. Seuss's birthday. However, whenever this day falls on a weekend, most schools and other organizations celebrate on either the Friday before or the Monday after. This year since it's a Friday, they don’t need to worry about it. This is the 20th year of celebrations of this day.

Dress In Blue Day – Celebrated on the first Friday in March, this is a day to wear the color blue in order to raise awareness of colon cancer. It is difficult to detect colon cancer without an exam because the early symptoms can be easily dismissed since they could be related to something minor that happens periodically, such as diarrhea. So make sure you talk with your doctor about when and how often you should have your colon checked.
National Day of Unplugging – Celebrated on the first Friday in March, this is a day to turn off your cell phone, computer, iwhatever, gaming device and any other electronic device you may have. It begins at sunset today and ends at sunset tomorrow. So get outside, enjoy some sunshine if you can find some, enjoy some peace and spend some quality time with your family and friends. It’s supposed to be almost 31 degrees Fahrenheit where I live today and on Saturday we should get a high temperature of 42 degrees which is positively hot compared to what we have been living with so it’s a great day to get outside, you won’t even have to bundle up much.
National Salesperson Day - Celebrated on the first Friday in March, this day was created in March of 2000 by Maura Schreier-Fleming, president of Best@Selling. On December 5th, we celebrated Salesperson Day, which celebrated the salespeople themselves. Today is a National day that celebrates the salespeople AND the hard work that they do every day. You see the difference? Yeah, I don’t really either, but that’s ok. Salespeople put up with a lot of abuse from people who are tired of standing on line, unhappy about prices, annoyed by the other customers, and frustrated by products that either don’t do what they are supposed to do or that they can’t make do what the customers think they are supposed to do. So they deserve two days.
Employee Appreciation Day – Another holiday celebrated on the first Friday in March, this day was begun in 1995 by Workman Publishing in order to focus positive, appreciative attention on all employees in every industry.
World Day Of Prayer – Yet another first Friday of March celebration, this day is a day to bring together Christian women of all different races, traditions and cultures. The goal is to become closer in fellowship and actions. This year the host country is the Suriname with a theme of “All God’s Creation Is Very Good”.
National Doodle Day - This is a day created by Epilepsy Action to raise awareness and hopefully some money for Epilepsy research. It’s a United Kingdom day that is celebrated on the first Friday in March, and also in September. I have also seen reference to it being celebrated on other days in the year so perhaps it will crop up whenever someone sees fit to organize another day.
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