International Waffle Day – Not to be confused with National Waffle Day on August 24th, this day originated in Sweden and is supposed to commemorate the day the Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary that she was pregnant. I am not sure how waffles connect to that momentous occasion, but I'm sure someone in Sweden could answer that question.
Old New Year's Day – Until 1752, when the Gregorian calendar was adopted, this day was celebrated as the beginning of the New Year in England because of Archangel Gabriel's message to Mary. I think this was before the whole waffle craze started.
National Medal Of Honor Day – This is a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. Medals of Honor are given to citizens who have displayed courage and heroism beyond what you normally see. This day was chosen for the celebration because on this day in 1863, the first Medals of Honor were awarded to 6 brave men.
Tolkien Reading Day – Created by the Tolkien Society in 2003 for the purpose of encouraging people to read J. R. R. Tolkien's works. This day was chosen because it was on this day in the Lord of the Rings that Sauron fell in defeat.
Maryland Day – This is a legal holiday in Maryland commemorating the landing of the first European settlers on this day in 1634. Approximately one hundred and fifty settlers from “The Ark” and “The Dove” landed at St. Clement's Island in the Potomac river.

International Day Of Remembrance Of The Victims Of Slavery And The Transatlantic Slave Trade – This day honors the lives of all those who suffered and/or died as a result of slavery and those who endured the horrors of being transported across an ocean in slave ships. The transatlantic slave trade lasted for four hundred years and is a serious blight on the history of mankind. While this was not the first time that the forced slavery of almost an entire race has happened, it is the most recent episode that I can think of.
Greek Independence Day: A National Day Of Celebration Of Greek And American Democracy – Every year on this day we celebrate Greek Independence Day because democracy was born in Greece and it is the world's oldest republic. The President of the United States issues a proclamation to that effect every year.
National Lobster Newburg Day – In 1876, Sea Captain Ben Wenburg, showed Chef Charles Ranhofer and Charles Delmonico, of Delmonico's restaurant, a new dish that they altered a little then named after the Captain, “Lobster a la Wenburg”. Alas for the Captain, Mr. Delmonico and Captain Wenburg had an argument and Wenburg was kicked out of the restaurant and never allowed to return. Delmonico then renamed the lobster dish to Lobster Newburg.
Neighbor Day - Always on the last Sunday in March, this is a day to celebrate communities in Australia. So today, gather with your neighbors and build relationships that will last a lifetime. You will all benefit in many ways.
Palm Sunday – Celebrated on the Sunday before Easter, this is a Christian holiday commemorating Jesus' triumphant arrival in Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey.
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