World Bipolar Day - Today we are to spend the day spreading awareness of bipolar disorder and trying to reduce the negative stigma attached to it. Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual and, at times, abrupt, shift in moods, abilities, and energy that are much more severe than the normal mood swings that everyone experiences.
Turkey Neck Soup Day – This is a soup made from stock which is made with turkey necks. Fun facts about turkeys can be found here.

National I Am In Control Day – You decide what you are going to do today. Be in control of your own destiny, at least for today. It is possible that whoever created this chose the 30th for the celebration because on this day in 1981, Secretary of State Alexander Haig was interviewed and said, “I am in control here.”
Grass Is Always Browner On The Other Side Of The Fence Day – All too often we go through life looking at what other people have that we do not. Then we're not happy because we think we need to have what they have, or we think that their lives are better than ours. Well today, focus on the good things about your life and think about how fortunate you are to have whatever it is that you have. Your neighbors aren't nearly as happy as you think they are anyway because they're looking at you and wishing they had what you have.
National Doctors Day – Created in 1991 by President George Bush, this is a day to recognize the contributions of doctors to society. We all depend upon our doctors whenever we get sick or hurt because they have dedicated their lives to helping people. They have saved countless lives over the years and are the primary reason why our life expectancy is as high as it is.
Take A Walk In The Park Day – I don't think that you necessarily HAVE to walk in a park today. This day seems to be about focusing on your physical and mental health, which would be improved with some exercise like walking. If you have a park handy, go walk in it. If not, walk somewhere else. Just get some exercise. Walking is one of the best activities you can do because it is both exercise and relaxation at the same time.
Passover - A Jewish holiday celebrating the time when God saved the Jewish people from death and enslavement in Egypt. It lasts a week beginning at dusk this evening and ending at dusk on April 7th.
Good Friday – Celebrated on the Friday before Easter, today is the day Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is a day celebrated by many countries all over the world and each one has their own unique customs, traditions and beliefs. One such tradition is the kite flying that happens on Bermuda every Good Friday, serving as symbolism for Jesus ascending into heaven.
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