Good Memory Day - This is a day to revel in the good memories you have and maybe to make some new good memories. Take some time to share your good memories with your loved ones. In sharing, you will relive the wonderful times you have had and it will be almost as if you have experienced them again.
Brew A Potion Day - Experiment a little today and brew your own potion. You can probably google some recipes to get you started. Make sure it’s a potion that won’t cause any harm to anyone. Maybe a nice love potion would be good.

National Gun Appreciation Day – Begun in 2013, this is a day to demonstrate American's support of their 2nd Amendment right to own a gun. I know this is a very controversial subject with strong feelings on either side and I am gifted (cursed?) with the ability to see and understand both sides of the issue but you may feel free to comment with your opinion if you wish.
Tin Can Day – The tin can was patented in 1810 by Peter Durand and the ability to store food for long periods of time suddenly became possible. However, the can opener was patented by William Lyman in 1870. Hmmmm. Does anyone else see a 60 year problem here?
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