International Sweatpants Day - I like to wear comfortable clothes when I’m hanging out at home and there is really nothing that is more comfortable than sweatpants, particularly in the winter. So dig out your comfy old sweatpants and wear them proudly today because the whole world is going to join you. I have no idea who created this day, but I did find a Facebook page devoted to it. This day is celebrated on the weekday closest to January 21st.
National Granola Bar Day – Granola bars were developed in the 1970's when an inventor, possibly Stanley Mason, figured out that by compressing granola with something sticky, like honey, and baking it so it stays together, one can create a portable breakfast.
National Hugging Day – There are lots of different kinds of hugs: the Bear Hug, The Side to Side Hug, the Cheek Hug, the Back to Front Hug and the Heart Centered Hug. Pick the hug that suits the situation and the person and have at it today. Just don't get arrested for hugging the wrong person.

National New England Clam Chowder Day – What a great lunch this would be. Isn't it great when I solve your dilemma about what to eat for lunch today! Now don’t be going for the Manhattan Clam Chowder. That is a whole different day, I’m sure.
Own Your Own Home Day - This day was created in 1920 by a group of businesses and civic groups. At the time, owning your own home was considered to be the best thing you could do. People wanted to reduce the number of drifters that didn’t stay in a community long enough to help to improve it and they wanted to encourage the growth of a community spirit. Things are different these days and owning your own home is not always the best thing for everyone financially. For example, if you own a home and lose your job, you could lose the home plus it is harder to accept a job in another location because selling a house can take a very long time. So you should look at your finances and goals and talk to a financial planner before you decide if owning a home would be beneficial for you.
One-Liners Day - This is a day to celebrate the greatest one-liners in movie history such as…”You had me at hello.” Who can tell me what movie that is from? I haven’t even seen it and I could answer that one because that line is so famous. Or what about…”You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Anyone? I know you know this one…”I’ll be back.” Feel free to comment with your favorite lines.
World Religion Day – Celebrated on the third Sunday in January, this is a day to acknowledge all of the many, many different religions in the world. Whatever you believe, I’m absolutely certain you can find a religious establishment of some sort, somewhere, that will help you grow in that belief.
World Snow Day - This is a day to “Bring Children to the Snow”, a campaign that the Federation Internationale de Ski (FIS) has been engaged in for several years. They want to motivate children between the ages of 4 and 14 to get out into the snow and discover how much fun it can be. They want children to “Explore, Enjoy and Experience” all that snow fun has to offer. While they desire to increase their profits, they also want to teach children about the importance of snow to the environment, promote the health benefits of snow sports, and make sure children know how to behave and be safe while on and off the snow. This day is celebrated on the third Sunday in January.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees - The theme for this year’s celebration is “Welcoming, protecting, promoting, and integrating migrants and refugees.” It was chosen by Pope Francis in order to highlight importance of supporting actions by all levels of government that benefit migrants and refugees. They deserve the same consideration you would give your next door neighbor because they are everyone’s neighbors. This day is celebrated on the third Sunday of January.
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