Mother Whistler Day - It appears that this day is all about people who can whistle. Sadly, I am not one of them. My husband can whistle and sound fantastic doing it. I sound like I’m dying. But if you can whistle, in any fashion, have at it today!
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day - Celebrated on the Wednesday of Emergency Medical Services Week, which is the third week in May, this is a day to raise awareness of the different needs of children in emergency medical facilities. I am not medically trained at all, but even I know that children need equipment that is a different size than that which is used for adults, and of course, different dosages for medicines for their smaller bodies. I’m sure that is only the tip of the iceberg for the subject, so if anyone wants to chime in on what some of the other needs are, please feel free.
Send An Electronic Greeting Card Day - I’m not sure who created this day, but I can tell you that it is a very simple day to celebrate. Simply go online, find an electronic greeting card site and send one to anyone you wish. I’m expecting my inbox to be full by the end of the day, hint hint.
International Museum Day – This day was created in 1977 by the International Council of Museums for the purpose of increasing awareness of the importance of museums in society. They were probably also hoping to increase the number of people visiting the thousands of museums sprinkled around the country. Well, it worked, attendance has been increasing steadily ever since. Last year, more than 35,000 museums participated in this day by hosting special events in 145 countries. The theme for this year is “Museums and Cultural Landscapes.”

Visit Your Relatives Day – This is a day for family. Reconnect with family members you haven't seen in a while and spend some time with older members of your family. You never know how long you will have left with them.
National Cheese Souffle Day – I have made a lot of things, but I have never made a souffle. Maybe I'll try this recipe tonight.
HIV Vaccine Awareness Day – Sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, this is a day to learn about the work that is being done by thousands of scientists, health professionals, and volunteers with the goal of creating an HIV vaccine. They have already made tremendous breakthroughs. I heard of a baby who was born with HIV, but now, after treatment, doesn’t have a trace of it left in his body. They are watching him to see what happens long term, but it is very hopeful news.
I Love Reese's Day – This day was created by popular demand. I found a rumor that said “nearly 40,000 fans” joined a campaign on Facebook and said they wanted this delectable treat to have its own day. I can see that happening and if it's true, I'm a little surprised it was only 40,000. Clearly, their efforts were successful.
National Employee Health & Fitness Day – Vanderbilt University recognizes the third Wednesday of May as a day to stress physical activity and eating healthy. They have many events throughout the day to celebrate including places where you can go to get a healthy breakfast-to-go, Zumba classes outside, a walking relay and a 3 mile run.
Turn Beauty Inside Out Day – Also celebrated on the third Wednesday in May, this is a day to look inside yourself and see the beauty within. Physical beauty is skin deep and the most beautiful person in the world could be ugly on the inside. Conversely, the person who society sees as ugly on the outside could be the most beautiful, generous, wonderful person on the inside. Today is a day to let your inner beauty shine through to the world.
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