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May 5, 2016

Today we celebrate, not only my wonderful mother's birthday, but also:

Revenge of the 5th - There’s a play on words happening here, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, as you can see is very close to Revenge of the 5th. I’m not sure why it is happening in May, but I guess they had to pick one of the twelve months, maybe May just got lucky. This would be a good day to re-watch one or more of the Star Wars movies, depending on how much free time you have. UPDATE: An anonymous reader commented and offered an explanation for this day. It is celebrated today because Revenge of the Sith came after the original Star Wars, so it makes sense that Revenge of the 5th comes in the same month and right after Star Wars Day or May the 4th be with you. Thank you very much for that information!

National Hoagie Day – Hoagies are called different things in different parts of the country. But Domenic Vitiello, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania who researched the matter, said that they originated in Philadelphia on Hog Island during World War I. The Professor credits Italians on this island for throwing different meats between slices of bread and discovering that it tastes great.

World Password Day - Celebrated on the first Thursday in May, this is a day to promote the use of stronger, better and harder to remember passwords. We are not supposed to write them down because that wouldn’t be safe from thieves and unscrupulous friends and family members.  And we are not supposed to keep a list of passwords on our computer either because that wouldn’t be safe from hackers. But I’ve got to tell you...I have passwords to some 50 different things, there is just no way I will ever remember them all. So I wrote them on a piece of paper that I then password protected.

Oyster Day - Oysters are pretty incredible creatures.  There are freshwater oysters and saltwater oysters.  Sometimes these oysters turn a piece of sand that gets stuck in their shells into pearls that we then turn into jewelry. You can celebrate today by eating oysters...I recommend fried oysters, raw ones are a little too slimy for me, or you can wear some pearls.

Museum Lover’s Day - While most museums are somewhat torturous for children, the older you get, the more you appreciate what they have to offer….which is mainly the opportunity to see and learn things you would never normally have an opportunity to see and learn. There are museums in this world for just about any subject you can think of and even a few you would never think of. For example, there is a Devil’s Rope Barbed Wire Museum in Texas, a Hobo Museum in Iowa. a Hair Museum in Missouri (art made out of human hair), a Museum of Bad Art in Massachusetts, and a Banana Museum in California.

Ascension Day - This is the day that celebrates the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. It’s an important day for Christian churches and is celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day after Easter. Some churches celebrate on the following Sunday.

National Day Of Prayer – Always the first Thursday in May, this day was designated by the U.S. Congress in 1952 and the proclamation signed by the President every year since then asking Americans to “turn to God today in prayer and meditation.” There is apparently some historical evidence that says it was really begun by President George Washington, but I haven’t seen it. It should be noted that the Freedom From Religion Foundation has been trying to get this day to be declared unconstitutional but so far they have been unsuccessful. There will be an Observance of this day that will be broadcast from Washington D.C. which you can access from this website.

National Day Of Reason – The direct opposite of National Day Of Prayer, and therefore, celebrated on the same day, this day was begun by atheists and secular groups who are opposed to prayer and do not believe it should be an official day.  They oppose what they call “the intrusion of religious ideology into all spheres of our government.”

National Chocolate Custard Day – I have found numerous references to this particular food online.  Some people said it should be celebrated today, others said it should have been on May 3rd.  I chose to add it to both days because it’s chocolate custard!  Yum!  

Cartoonists Day – On this day in 1895, the first color cartoon was published. I don’t get a newspaper anymore but I remember that when I was a child I lived for the comics everyday and the big Sunday comic pages every week.  Then, we used to save them to use for wrapping paper when my husband and I were newly married and had no money for such luxuries.

International Day Of The Midwife – For several years now the theme for this day has been “The world needs midwives now more than ever!” Midwives have, I think, been around longer than doctors and have been an important resource for women giving birth to their babies.  The International Confederation of Midwives created this day in order to promote the need for midwives in your community.

Cinco de Mayo – This day commemorates the victory of the Mexican Army over France in 1862 at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco – Mexican War. While it is not a big holiday in Mexico, in the United States, it has become a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage.

Totally Chipotle Day – Chipotle is a flavor that is Mexican - Indian in origin, but it is rapidly becoming very popular in the United States as well. It is celebrated today to compliment Cinco de Mayo and honor its’ Mexican roots.

National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day - Celebrated on the first Thursday of May this is a day to focus on the importance of children’s mental health.  We don’t often give a lot of thought to the mental health of our children, although when we see problems we sit up and take notice. Unless we get a wake up call like that, we just tend to assume they are fine.  Find out how you can make sure of that because some mental health issues are not as obvious as others.

1 comment:

  1. Revenge of the 5th - It is in May because May 4th is stars wars day, and so like the sequel revenge of the sith coming after the original star wars, the next day being may 5th becomes "revenge of the fifth" for another play on words like "may the 4th be with you" (may the force be with you) was another play on words on May 4th.
