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May 19, 2016

Today we celebrate:

Hummus Day - Hummus is tastier than I initially expected it to be. The first time I had some I had, shall we say….somewhat low expectations. I frankly thought it would be disgusting because it looked disgusting.But I was pleasantly surprised and found that I enjoyed the ground up chickpeas mixed with odd spices.

National Frog Jumping Jubilee Day - I used to play Leap frog as a kid, did you? Well whether you did or not, you are in for a treat today because that is what we are all going to do, and the more people involved the better. I wonder if we can get a line stretching all the way across the state. Perhaps that depends on which state. Delaware would have a better chance than Montana, for instance.

National Hepatitis Testing Day - There are three different Hepatitis diseases...A, B and C, and they are all very different. Millions of people are infected and many of them don’t even know because there are not always symptoms right away. So you need to get tested to know for sure if you have this disease and I recommend that you do it right away so that you can make sure you don’t spread it to your loved ones.

National Notebook Day - Do you keep a notebook? Maybe you call it a diary or a journal? Well, this is a day to share that love of writing with everyone. Not that you need to spill your secrets...I wouldn’t do that to you. But you can share the fact that you love your notebook and you can share what kinds of things you like to write in it. Make sure you use #nationalnotebookday when you do.

National Aperitif Day - Ms. Jace Shoemaker-Galloway must like interesting beverages because she has created a day for another one of them. This day is celebrated on the third Thursday in May. It is an appetizer beverage, meaning one that is consumed before the meal because it stimulates the appetite and, apparently, the palate as well. There are many potentially delicious recipes so I’ll leave it to you to find the one you like.

Boy’s Club and Girl's Club Day – This day celebrates the Boy's Clubs and Girl's Clubs that provide safe activities for our children all over the country. Parents need a safe place for their children to go when they have to work and these clubs fill that need. The first Boy's Club was begun in 1860 and in 1906 the Boys and Girls Clubs of America began operations and they have expanded to more than 4,300 locations.

National Devil's Food Cake Day – Rich and moist and delicious, this is one of my favorite cakes.

May Ray Day – This is a day with two purposes. The first is to celebrate the warmth the sun provides for our enjoyment and for our ability to grow things, and the second is to celebrate everyone named Ray. I suspect you may think I am kidding about this, but I assure you that this is a real day.

World Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day - More than 5 million people around the world suffer from IBD’s such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. There will be events taking place around this time, although not necessarily on this day, in the more than 40 participating countries. Many of the events will be in the form of charity walks, runs and open discussions with doctors.  

National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – This is a day to spread awareness of the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among Asians and Pacific Islanders. This is a disease that does not care where its victims are from. Find out how to protect yourselves.

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