Baby Day - I love babies, they have the cutest chubby cheeks on their adorable little faces and they don’t even mind if you spend all day planting kisses on those cheeks. They do have a very bad habit of keeping their parents up at night, which is hard to take. But their very presence in your life is a miracle, so be thankful for that blessing, remember that they won’t be babies for very long, and for a little while at least, they generally take some pretty good naps so if you can, take your naps when they do and you’ll be in better shape to handle the night work.
National Fire Day - I couldn’t find much information about this day. So I’m not sure if we are to celebrate by working on preventing fire, or by making a fire. Maybe you could do both depending on where you live. If you live in an area that is dry, please do not try to make a fire. I think it could go badly for you and everyone around you very quickly. In your case, maybe you can take steps to prevent fire or to keep a fire from spreading to your house if one comes your way. If you are in an area that has plenty of moisture to spare, perhaps you could make a fire in a fireplace or make a campfire outside, being sure to follow all safety recommendations because even in your area, it is easy for a fire to get out of hand and be dangerous.
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day - Celebrated on Monday of the first full week in May, this is a day to recognize that important meetings and conventions wouldn’t happen without someone to plan them. I know that for many of us, meetings are the bane of our existence. We certainly have a lot of them. For some of us, going from one meeting to the next all day long, is the way we live day to day. That is probably a little too much. But some of those meetings are probably important so make sure you thank the person who planned them. Speaking of meetings, someone needs to plan a family meeting so we can figure out how to get Great Aunt Ginny to stop hanging her neon colored underwear in the bay window for the world to see.

Brothers And Sisters Day - Last month we had National Sibling Day, but this is different. This is a day to celebrate your brothers and sisters by appreciating them. Wait, that’s not different? Well, it must be because it has a different name. If you don’t live with them any more, give them a call and tell them how much you love them. Maybe you can even visit them if that is not asking too much from you.
Take a Baby To Lunch Day - Born on this day in 1903, Dr. Benjamin Spock became the guru of baby care. He wrote books about how to take care of babies and mothers everywhere came to depend on his knowledge. So celebrate his life by taking your baby out to lunch in his honor.
Melanoma Monday – Celebrated on the first Monday in May, this day highlights the deadliest form of skin cancer there is. One American dies from melanoma every hour. However, if it is detected before it spreads, the five year survival rate is 98%. So we need to wear orange today to help spread awareness and work to teach people how to detect this devastating cancer as early as possible.

International Scurvy Awareness Day - Now I know that all of you are thinking that scurvy was an illness that only sailors got way back when it took months to cross the ocean. While it was a big issue with those of the seafaring trade, it is still an issue today in many places. All you need is 30 mg of Vitamin C a day to keep it away, but there are a great many people in this world who don’t get that.
National Truffle Day - Do you have any truffle digging pigs handy? No? Well, then I guess you will have to get them from the store like the rest of us. Except me. I see no reason why I should spend a lot of money on a fungus that I’m not going to eat anyway. My husband and son, however, would devour them before I got them out of the shopping bag.
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