My Bucket’s Got A Hole In It Day - I couldn’t find a source that could tell me exactly what this day is about or who created it. But I did find numerous references to it so I can only assume that it is real. It might be an homage to Hank Williams’ song by the same name, or it might be about appreciating buckets with or without holes, or it might be a metaphor for our lives and how none of us are perfect. Take your pick.
National Mint Julep Day - This is a cocktail made with bourbon whiskey, mint, water and sugar. Many people feel this is a summer drink and wouldn’t think of having it in the winter. It is most popular in the south and is the official drink of the Kentucky Derby.

Loomis Day – This is a day dedicated to people who think outside the box like Mahlon Loomis, a dentist and the inventor of artificial teeth in 1854, was also the earliest inventor of a wireless telegraph, which he patented on this day in 1872. His idea worked, but not for the reasons he thought. He was using kites with metal wires, instead of string, as antennas and thought that if the kites were flown at the same level in the atmosphere, the messages could be transmitted between them. It worked, but it worked because of the length of the wire, not the height of the kite. I don't understand it all, but I do know that Congress wasn't buying the whole concept so even though he got a patent for his idea, it didn't end up going anywhere. He may not have been totally successful, but his ideas sparked a trend that led to the technology we have today.
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