Little League Girls Baseball Day - On this day in 1974, girls were first allowed to play Little League baseball. It was a long time coming but change is hard, particularly when that change has to occur in human minds that are raised to believe that girls cannot do things boys can do. Maybe all girls cannot play baseball, but all boys can’t either. But now girls who are taught how to do it and who have an interest in the game can play Little League with the boys.
Magic Day - Today is a day to celebrate magic in all its’ wondrous variety. From the little kid who just got a magic set and wants to try it out on you, to the professional Magician who has spent a lifetime honing his/her craft so that they can make your head spin in amazement, and every level of skill in between. Skeptics call it illusion, or slight of hand, but you and I know it really is magic.
National Automotive Service Professionals Day - This day was begun in 2001 as a single day celebration honoring the men and women who take care of our vehicles. They fix them when they are damaged, keep them tuned up so they last a long time, and basically keep us on the roads so we can get to where we need to be. In 2005 this day was expanded to an entire week so I’m not sure they bother with the single day any more.

World Day Against Child Labour - There is a different focus for this day every year. This year the International Labor Organization is highlighting child labour and supply chains. Supply chains are the complex sequence of activities needed to produce and distribute a product. With 168 million children actively involved in child labour, it is extremely difficult for people or organizations to trace their supply chain all the way to the beginning and ensure that no children are involved at any step along the way. But it needs to be done in order to ensure that their business doesn’t suffer from a bad reputation and loss of customers if it is discovered at some point that they are involved whether they know it or not.
Children's Sunday – This day is added to the list of celebrations that are always on the 2nd Sunday in June. There was a movement going to get enough signatures in order to petition the President to officially proclaim this day as Children's Day. I’m not sure what the status is on that now. This day has been unofficially celebrated since the mid 1800's and many cities have proclaimed this day along with many churches and denominations.
Multicultural American Child Day – Also celebrated on the second Sunday in June, this is a day to appreciate the talents and uniqueness of all children of every culture. We can share our culture with the whole country, and the nation and our children will be stronger for it.
Race Unity Day – Yet another celebration on the 2nd Sunday in June, this day was begun in 1957 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. The purpose is to promote racial harmony and understanding, which I personally find to be an admirable goal. The Baha'is believe that racial prejudice is the most challenging moral issue that we face in this country so they wish to focus attention on that today.

Loving Day – On this day in 1967, the US Supreme Court case Loving vs. Virginia was decided. The Justices declared that laws banning interracial marriage were not legal. While this day is not a federally recognized holiday, there is a movement afoot to convince the President to make it so. The Supreme Court case came about when Mildred & Richard Loving, an interracial couple, married in Washington D.C. When they returned to their hometown of Richmond, Virginia, they were arrested for “cohabiting as man and wife, against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth.” And the rest is history.
Abused Women and Children's Awareness Day – Celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in June, this is a day to prayerfully end violent behavior in American homes, schools, workplaces and communities. You can help to stop the violence in America that endangers the lives of our women and children. As far as I know there isn’t an Abused Men Awareness Day but that is also a reality in our lives. Women and children are not the only ones who suffer from abuse. Men are less likely to report it, but can suffer physical, mental and emotional abuse from their wives/girlfriends as well.
National Peanut Butter Cookie Day – One of my daughter's favorite cookies. She'll be very happy to celebrate this day. Even better, she’s old enough to make them herself now.
Crowded Nest Awareness Day – This is a day for your empty nest to refill. I don’t know what this is like since my kids are teenagers so I haven’t had an empty nest for the last 18 years. But we all know that adult children come home for many reasons, the difficulty economy being a big one. Or maybe your parents have moved in with you because they can't be on their own anymore. Hopefully this won’t happen too soon for us because we are kind of looking forward to eventually having an empty nest for a while. But, whatever the reason for having a full house, this is a day to look at the benefits and find any humor you can in the me, it will help everyone's survival.
World Pet Memorial Day - Celebrated on the second Sunday in June, this day is to celebrate the memories of pets you have loved who have passed from this life to whatever you believe comes after. We love our pets so much and not everyone realizes that we grieve for them when they die, just like we would grieve for a human that we love. It takes time and is different for everyone so make a memorial for your beloved pets and remember them today.
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