Children’s Awareness Memorial Day - Today we remember all of the children who have died because of violence. If you know of any personally, visit their graves today. If you don’t or can’t do that, say a prayer for them and for their parents.
Festival of Popular Delusions Day - This day began in 1945 in Germany, exactly one year after D-Day and it represents the last day that the Nazi’s were able to delude themselves that they were a superior race and would rule the world. At least that is how it started. Now it is a day for everyone to think about what we might be deluding ourselves about and bring a little reality to our own lives.
National Attitude Day - I usually have a pretty positive attitude. I don’t get down very often and when I do, I don’t stay down very long. I find that life is a lot more pleasant for myself and the people around me when I stay cheerful and positive even when unpleasant things happen. You can choose your attitude, believe it or not. I have friends who don’t believe it, but I am proof that it can be done. I often “put on” my positive attitude even when I am not feeling it, but it doesn’t take long before it becomes real and not an act.
National Child’s Day - Proclaimed by President George W. Bush in 2001, and celebrated on the first Sunday in June, this is all about reflecting on our own childhood experiences and doing whatever we can to ensure that the kids around us grow up in safe, happy, and healthy environments.
World Environment Day – The theme for this year’s celebration is “Go Wild For Life.Zero Tolerance For The Illegal Wildlife Trade.” This day is about balancing the needs of humanity with the capabilities of the economy and the limits of the environment. We need to carefully manage our planet’s natural resources, of which our wildlife are certainly one, and stop the habit we humans have of using more of Earth’s resources that it can replenish in a timely manner, and killing our precious wildlife until there is nothing left.

National Gingerbread Day – Everything you cook today should involve gingerbread in some way. Gingerbread pancakes, gingerbread sandwiches, gingerbread meatloaf, maybe even gingerbread ice cream? Be creative, it might actually taste good. Then again, it might not.
International Frozen Yogurt Day - Frozen yogurt started in the United States, as far as I can tell and please correct me if that is wrong, but it has spread beyond our borders to many other countries. This day may also be celebrated on February 6th.
Apple II Day – On this day in 1977, the first Apple II (one of the first personal computers created), went on sale. It was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and operated on BASIC programming, which I still remember a little of. Now I feel old.
Ramadan – This is an Islamic holiday that begins at sundown this evening and lasts until July 5th and involves fasting during the daylight hours. This is a time for Muslims to focus on God and to purify their souls.
National Cancer Survivors Day – Celebrated on the first Sunday in June, this is a day to show everyone that cancer is survivable. It was begun in 1988 by Merril Hastings at the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. For those who have been diagnosed with cancer, it seems all consuming and it is difficult to look forward to a time when cancer is no longer the center of everything. But there is life after cancer for more and more people every year. Many places in the country will have events today to celebrate the day. Check with your local hospital, or town clerk to find out more.
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