Helen Keller Day - Helen was not just a deaf and blind person, she was a person who, with the help of her teacher, overcame her sensory deficits and learned to communicate with and teach the world that ALL people have value and can contribute to society. Deaf and blind people did not need to hide away in their homes, they could go out in the world and make a difference just like anyone else. It was on this day in 1880, that Helen was born.
International Ragweed Day - Ragweed is an invasive weed that many people are allergic to in some form or other. This day is celebrated on the first Saturday of the summer and was created by the International Ragweed Society on the suggestion of Prof. Dr. Kristof Nekam and Dr. Tamas Komives. I think that the main goal of celebrating this day is to work on reducing the number of ragweeds in the world. Dig it up people, bag it so it can’t propagate, and throw it away.
National Indian Pudding Day - This is a day for eating and enjoying the puddings that were created by Native Americans. They were not like the puddings that we are used to today. They were made from molasses and cornmeal, among other things, most of the time, and were baked.
National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day - Begun in 2010 by Congressional Resolution, this is a day to spread awareness of the issues that people who suffer from PTSD face every day. We usually see this disorder in members of the military because of what they go through every day during war time. But they are not the only ones who can be affected. Anyone who has to endure an extremely stressful event can be at risk. And, of course, the family and friends of people with PTSD also suffer. There are treatments and ways of living a normal life. Some people qualify for a service dog which can be extremely beneficial.

Decide To Be Married Day – This is a day to celebrate couples who decide to get married. It is based on a poem entitled, “Decide to be Married”. Oddly enough, my happily married husband of 21 years always tries to talk people out of making this decision. Do you think he's trying to tell me something?
National HIV Testing Day – Every year on this day, since 2005, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has promoted an HIV testing day. They want everyone who could possibly be at risk to be tested today. The earlier you are diagnosed, the earlier you can begin treatment and the longer you can live a normal lifestyle.
“Happy Birthday To You” Day – This song has been around longer than I would possibly have guessed. The melody was composed in 1859 by Mildred J. Hill, a schoolteacher from Kentucky. It was first published in 1893 with the lyrics her sister, Patty Smith, wrote for it and it was called “Good Morning To All”. It was changed to a birthday song and copyrighted in 1935. Find someone who has a birthday today and sing it to them.
National Orange Blossom Day - This is a day to celebrate the flower known as the orange blossom which is ultimately responsible for producing the delicious fruit we all know as oranges. Citrus fruits are important sources of Vitamin C and we use the flavor of citrus for many desserts and drinks and more.
Industrial Workers Of The World Day – On this day in 1905, The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was formed. The concept of the IWW is that all workers should be united as a social class and that capitalism and wage labor should be abolished. Sounds great in theory, but history has shown us that putting it into practice is difficult and so far has not been very successful.
Please Take My Children To Work Day – Celebrated on the last Monday in June, this is a day to recognize stay-at-home mothers and the very difficult job they have every day doing pretty much every job there is. On this day, stay-at-home moms can kick back, relax a little and laugh at themselves.
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