Atheist Pride Day - We had one of these back in March, and I just found out about this one as well. I’m not sure why there are multiples days for this, perhaps they are celebrated by different groups of people. In any case, for all of the atheists out there, this is a day to be proud of your beliefs or lack thereof. We live in a free country where everyone is still able to believe or not believe in anything they choose so revel in the ability to exercise that right today and don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed of it.
UN Russian Language Day - One of the six official United Nations languages, this day commemorates the birthday of Aleksandr Pushkin, a Russian poet who is credited with being “the father of modern Russian literature.”
National Gardening Exercise Day – Today is a day to get some exercise in the garden. Weeding, planting, weeding, watering, weeding, hoeing, weeding, and finally...resting while you watch the weeds grow. Get some fresh air and exercise those muscles at the same time.
National Applesauce Cake Day – This is a cake that has applesauce as a main ingredient. It is very moist, and shouldn't need any oil. Unless you have unusual food allergies like some of the people in my household do, this is a very good thing because apples are much healthier than oil to bake with.
D-Day – On this day in 1944, Allied troops invaded Normandy, France. More than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft were involved and at the end of the day, our troops had a foothold in Normandy but the cost was great. We lost more than 9,000 soldiers on that day.

Drive-in Movie Day – There was a time when the Drive-in was THE place to go on a date. You could find one in almost any town. Nowadays, you'd be hard pressed to find one in every state. I happen to have one in my town, but that just makes me lucky. On this day in 1933, Richard Hollingshead's drive-in opened in New Jersey. His advertisement stated that “The whole family is welcome, regardless of how noisy the children are.” The first film they showed was called Wife Beware. The drive-in idea just took off from there and before long, they were everywhere.
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