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November 17, 2016

Today we celebrate:

World Pancreatic Cancer Day - Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers there is. It is very difficult to diagnose early enough to give the patient even a chance at survival. For that reason only 2 to 10 percent of people diagnosed survive for the next five years. The pancreas regulates blood sugar levels and produces enzymes that we need during digestion to use and store energy. This is a day to focus on early detection because if this cancer is diagnosed early enough for surgery to be an option, the odds for survival are much better.

International Students Day - On this day in 1939, the German Nazi’s stormed the University of Prague, executed eight students and one professor, and took 1,200 off to concentration camps. Then they closed all the universities and colleges in Czechoslovakia. So this is a day to remember that tragedy. Many universities and colleges also use the opportunity to celebrate the multiculturalism of their international students today.

National Farm Joke Day - Do you know any good jokes centered around farming? No? Well, allow me to start you off: How did the farmer find his lost cow? He tractor down. Now it’s your turn. No? Need another one? OK, what do you call a crate full of ducks? A box of quackers.

National Take A Hike Day - I’m not sure if this is a day to get some exercise or a day to tell someone to get lost. So you’ll have to feel free to put your own spin on things today. Just make sure that the one you tell to take a hike is not your spouse or your boss.

The Little Mermaid Day - This famous animated movie was first released in theaters on this day in 1989. It made millions of dollars for the Walt Disney company and is still popular among young children, particularly girls, today.

Homemade Bread Day – This is a day to make some homemade bread. If you are baking challenged, don't worry. It doesn't say anything about making homemade bread from scratch so feel free to make something from a mix. You also don't need to use yeast if you don't want to, quick breads count, don't use yeast and are very easy to make.

National Unfriend Day – Declared by Jimmy Kimmel in 2012, this is a day to clean out your Facebook friends list by weeding out or “unfriending” anyone you would really rather get rid of or maybe those that you just don't have anything in common with.

World Prematurity Awareness Day – This a day to spread awareness of prematurity and the challenges that preemies and their families can face as they grow. Sometimes premature babies have significant health difficulties so more work is needed to spread the use of intervention strategies that decrease the risk of premature births.

World Peace Day – Created by Don Morris in the 1990's, this is a day that reminds us to be kind to everyone around us and to pray for peace. One thing you can do is drive with your headlights on so everyone will know that you are demonstrating for peace. Yes, I know that many cars have their headlights on all the time, let's not burst Mr. Morris' bubble, after all, he created this day back when that wasn't an automotive reality.

Great American Smokeout – Celebrated on the third Thursday in November, this is a day to quit smoking. This is an easy day for me because it is very easy to quit something that you don't do to begin with. So I pledge to quit smoking today! Who is going to join me and be healthier for it!

National Baklava Day - Baklava is a delectable dessert cake that originated in the region of Turkey, Greece and the Middle East. It uses layers of phyllo dough and finely chopped nuts such as pistachios, walnuts or almonds with a syrup mixture poured over the top.  

Beaujolais Nouveau Day – Also celebrated on the third Thursday in November by the French, this is a day that celebrates the release of a specific type of wine called....want to guess? That's right! Beaujolais Nouveau! They celebrate this day every year with fireworks, big festivals and music.

Use Less Stuff Day – And another day that is celebrated on the 3rd Thursday in November, this is a day to use less stuff so that you end up throwing away less stuff. Apparently we throw away 25% more garbage between Thanksgiving and New Years than we do at any other point in the year. That is good incentive to create less waste and thereby put less garbage into our landfills. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

International Philosophy Day – This day was created eleven years ago by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is celebrated on the third Thursday in November and we will be sharing our experiences and worldviews with each other with complete respect to each others' cultural diversity.

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